‘"The sole pleasure of the world is its evanescence." —Hassan Shushud.
Each of you, my readers—both paid and free subscribers—have allowed me to continue to do what I love doing this year. And that’s a rare arrangement nowadays. Thank you!
My wish for each of you is that you’ve found (or will find in the new year) a vocation or calling that allows you to do both things: Create and thrive.
Words of wisdom from the social reformer Charles Kingsley, to move into the new year with:
“We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about.”
May it be so.
Some gifts for you
• Earlier this year I forged a groove with Dan Snyder (my favorite clothing designer in the world) to contribute—as a regular correspondent—to his Corridor website’s Journal. You can read my winter 2021 overview that ferrets out the secrets (and practical realities) of the just-culminating Saturn Uranus square, here.
Dan is also providing Corridor customers with a 20% discount for an astrology session with me, an offer that’s good until the end of this month.
The word is liminal
Maybe it’s the Sun in the 12th house of my horoscope, but I reveled in the quiet, vacated, transitional vibes that have colored our day-to-day impressions of reality lately.
Given the culmination of Pluto’s (atomic rearrangement) transit through Capricorn (the consensus world we’re born into and have lived through for seemingly forever—until now)—with a dash of COVID tossed into the mix—liminal became the perfect conceptual compliment.
It’s like we’re all moving through the abandoned stage set of a film production that should have been shuttered decades ago.
You can experience the liminal online (as if your everyday reality weren’t enough). On Twitter at the Liminal Space Bot. And on this TikTok which features a series of montages of vacated spaces in the Arkansas Ozarks. (Don’t ask).
A Tarot pull for each of us for 2022
This was a draw from the Major Arcana as rendered by the surrealist artist Leonara Carrington, a deck that was only recently made available to the public early in the year, by Fulgur Press.
Did I take my time hovering my hand over the lineup of face-down cards before making a choice? Uhm, yeah. Too long.
The longer I meditated on the card the more my eye kept erasing and then remaking the illustration of the COVID virus—that we’ve all seen millions of times throughout the year. Now transformed into a radiant Sun, with smaller COVID clusters recast into sunflowers.
May 2022 foster a new set of leaders (and solutions) to usher in the necessary rebuilding that precipitates Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius.
The Capricorn phase is closing down, and the US will have completed its Pluto return early next year—the most theatrical elements of which played out in the January 6 insurrection in the US Capitol.
On the esoteric level, Crowley associated the Sun card with the Lord of Light, Life, Liberty, and Love. With the promise of, “the complete emancipation of the human race.”
This later image leans hard into Pluto’s upcoming transit into Aquarius. A rebuilding process that has the potential to bring Aquarius’ humanitarian principles to the forefront of consciousness for each of us. Especially to empower those individuals overseeing the rebuilding process.
It’s no coincidence that Joe Biden’s legacy will be tied directly to the rebuilding of the US’s infrastructure. Again, more echoes of the end of the long Pluto in Capricorn transit. Amen.
Solar Blessings!
I love the quotes you began with and your beautiful interpretation of the covid virus transformed into a radiant sun and our planet moving into a new era of rebuilding. May it be true. As Terri wrote your unique insight, clarity and humor are compelling! Joyous New Year to you.
I resonated deeply with this post, Frederick. The truth of your interpretation was palpable. Thank you!