August 2022: Horoscopes for Moderns
Get your ax on. And read to the end for an incredible collection of Zen gardens!
IF THERE’S A MONTH THAT MARKS the beginning of the end (or vice versa), August registers high on the cray-cray meter. The entire biosphere is conjuring the perfect setting (searing global heatwaves) to compliment your meltdown.
But try to consider this the way soul singer Etta James defined the arc of her life, “I was either living through a breakthrough or breakdown.” Breakthroughs are fab! Breakdowns, too, for fostering a much-needed respite.
The tenor for the entire month is set on August 1 when Mars (primal libido) conjuncts Uranus (“Out of my way, I’m gonna blow!”), and the opportunity to align with unfamiliar corporal forces (Taurus) turns your calibrating function radioactive.
As I wrote the above sentence, a guy waiting at the cash register accidentally dropped a large planter, sending shards of terra-cotta clay flying in multi-directions across the coffee shop. Finally, the planter was ‘free.’
Welcome to something, anything beyond ordinary sounds, smells, sights, and colors. Is it coming from within or without?
But that's the point, conventional demarcations aren’t operating. As my friend Maria defined it the other day in her comment on the latest Naked Astrology video: these are “…feelings of expanding out to the outer edges.”
Mars then moves on to Saturn in an applying square on the 7th.
What’s the body/mind split all about? (This square will tell you if you let it). Dig deep enough, and you’ll discover how it involves another fixed sign: Scorpio.
Sex is too potent to let the masses have at it without someone commodifying and lording over it (another fixed sign, Leo). And this is what Judeo-Christian culture has done for several thousand years.
The burn of the recent Supreme Court ruling on abortion is simply another attack against the body fired from the Crazy for Christ set.
Women and ‘The Church’ have always been at odds. Women freely hold the secret of life, while the Church claims to oversee the mysteries—but always with conditions. And for a price.
These two Mars aspects are enough to pull off the Lazurus effect on anyone sleepwalking through life presently. Oh, and that reminds me of a teaching story:
I learned something crucial from my Taurus friend, a gardener, and landscaper in Hawai’i, some years back that I will never forget.