“...mystic crystal revelation!”
I owned this record as a kid, and the needle eventually penetrated through the vinyl and ground itself to a nub on the turntable’s top.
Interesting how the wheel of the horoscope above involves intercepted signs—one of astrology’s most ridiculous non-happenings.
Signs are animated fields of energy and can not be made non-existent by geometric angles. An analogy would be your body continuing to function with your kidneys squeezed down to the size of peas and lodged beneath your pancreas. 😩
Cardboard box to transport urn: $25.00
August has been more of a puzzle for me than I’d anticipated. A lot of that relates to my mom’s death back in mid-June.
Although her financial affairs were fairly uncomplicated, it was still an off-putting entry into the world of mortuaries, financial institutions and pension managers. Advice to anyone who loses a family member: get several copies of the death certificate as everyone and their dog will want a copy.
The worst was the mechanical condolences from customer service reps, bank tellers, and corporate attorneys. I’d have preferred silence and ‘biz as usual.’ The artificial sympathy (being read from a script for things like ‘speaking to a beneficiary of the deceased’) was cringy. It made me dislike humanity (as trapped in the corporate culture mindset) more than usual.
But to be fair, as I told my friend John, it doesn’t matter what anyone—friend or stranger—says to you. Nothing is ever the ‘right’ thing.
Beneath my reactivity was realizing how distanced Americans are from the reality of death.
What else could explain mass shootings in schools or shopping centers every other day? Or millions of homeless individuals encamped in every major city in the US? Death is an abstraction.
Death happens to anyone and everyone else except oneself.
Gurdjieff: “Your problem is you think you have time.”
Me: Will death exist in the metaverse?
Anyway, as old timers here know, I usually do the European thing and take the entire month of August off, but as I’d just started the Naked Astrology series, I felt the need to stay in place. I plan on posting a new video on the angles of the horoscope next week.
Astrology in Pictures and Words — featuring this week’s Mercury Neptune opposition:
“The first two lines, which rhymed ‘kiddin’ you’ and ‘didn't you,’ just about knocked me out.” —Bob Dylan on writing the greatest single in pop music history, “Like A Rolling Stone.”
From a recent Reddit post:
“I don't believe in anything you have to believe in.” — Fran Lebowitz
“Darkness within darkness.
The gateway to all understanding.” —Lau Tzu
From a recent Twitter post:
See also: Mark Zuckerberg's Soulless Metaverse Avatar Has Me Worried About Our Digital Future.
Speaking of Costco & death:
well, a confused mix of some images; so sorry not to hear a clear message again
Brilliance. Especially the coins in the fountain.