Dr. Dream: December 15, 2021
Your dreams, on the couch. A man-sized beer bottle boat, competing towers and why more women than men in the intuitive arts?
“The basis from which dreams originate seems to be, let’s call it with a vague expression, Nature—Nature itself. It’s a natural phenomenon. A dream comes from the same source as a tree, or a wild pig.” –Marie-Louise von Franz
Dear Dr. Dream
Here is a really strange dream for you. This happened after my wife and I got into an argument about my drinking. Although I’m not an alcoholic, I do enjoy some beers in front of the TV when I return home from work. In my dream, I am floating along in a river but the boat that I am sitting in is more like a canoe that’s been built from a gigantic beer bottle! Everything is going along swell until the waters in the river become rough and I notice that I am headed straightaway for a waterfall. Just when I think I am going to go over the edge I wake up. What do you think of this dream?!
Morton K.