Eclipse Season Finale: A Surgical Serenade to 2023
Reframing the year-defining eclipses of October 25 and November 8, 2022
This is the light of the mind, cold and planetary
The trees of the mind are black.
The light is blue.
—Sylvia Plath
ASTROLOGY TAKES EVENTS, both mathematical and apparent (like the ‘appearance’ of the Sun moving around the Earth), and translates those ciphers and symbols into a narrative or—better yet—a poem.
Suppose you go step by step with the syntax of the upcoming eclipse on October 25.
Moon + Sun [eclipse] + Scorpio = ? to derive your own meaning. Achieving personal insight or understanding is more satisfying than anything I could spell out for you here.
And besides, haven’t we reached our tipping point listening to astrologers wax endlessly about this or that transit? The internet is clogged to exploding with all of this advice-giving.
That thought aside, I’ll say that with Scorpio (the ‘container’ for the eclipse), I couldn’t compose this any other way. There are too many unknown factors within the sign, each particle hidden within your unconscious.
Still, I have to write this article, so I’ll try this:
What would be some pointers or ‘hints’ to consider while considering Scorpio?
How about Eros and Thanatos meet in Scorpio and conspire to bring forth the next phase of the ‘future.’ The new narrative or poem. An old Sufi aphorism might fit well here, too: “When the heart grieves over what it has lost, the spirit rejoices over what it has left.”
Back up a bit, and study the components of an eclipse. In this case, a partial solar eclipse: The disc of the Moon moves in front of the disc of the Sun, causing a shadow to fall on the Earth. Right there, you have a tremendous image to work with. It’s magnificent and humbling.
Eclipses are anachronistic. Dimmed solar light tweaks cellular memory—that reptilian/mammalian part of the brain which winds through our DNA like a tendril. Dreams unhinge, longings feel jammed-to-bursting—a kind of ‘Dark of the Sun’ lunacy.
So it’s not an ordinary New Moon on the 25th—it arrives with a surgical slice or cutting away. The etymology of the word Scorpion derives from the Latin scorpius, which is the romanization of the Greek skorpíos, meaning “to cut,” or “shear.”
The Sun generates radiance, heat, and life-sustaining light. The solar orb, a star unto itself, supports life for all of the various bodies within its system. It’s the heart of this particular plot of space—our solar system—that we occupy.
The astrological Sun corresponds to your heart which circulates vitality throughout your body. You can also consider your ‘heart’s desire’—that too would be mirrored by the astrological Sun.
So the Moon has moved in front of the heart. Now, find your ‘inner Moon.’ What’s that about?