The baseline motif for February is the still glowing nimbus from the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Aquarius (exact in late December of 2020).
A lot of us are managing various versions of PTSD after the post-election events that culminated in a clusterfuck at the start of the new year. But that’s over now.
The deck’s been reshuffled.
Pick a new card and see what the symbols, images, markings, and clues intimate for your next step forward. I’ve been suggesting to my regular clients that they pay particular attention to their dreams.
The scope of the Jupiter Saturn conjunction is operating primarily from the liminal perspective—it’s still quite raw—and is best attuned to via the nocturnal meandering of the unconscious (of which your dreams are a by-product).
The primary question is this: How do we shift from the earth element (that has dominated culture for hundreds of years) into the wide-open, all-over-the-placeness of the air element?
This transfer of locus is akin to removing lead-…