MARCH IS ALL ABOUT AQUARIUS—a fulcrum upon which a long parade of planets (including the new Moon on the 13th) pivot.
There is tremendous pressure now to reconsider the influence of the media and how it shapes our cultural narrative. All cultures begin with a story—a unique vision, but it’s a story that’s always open to revision.
The recent conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius illuminated the perennial question: How do we generate (Jupiter) and sustain (Saturn) a system that benefits everyone equally in the human family (Aquarius)?
Poetically this a wonderful inquiry. But politically it threatens entrenched positions of power and influence. And so here we are again—working our way through an age-old struggle—but with the new impetus from last December’s Aquarian conjunction. Hint: With Aquarius, the people usually prevail.
With the last three signs of the Zodiac (Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces) churning with a wild mixture of influences, our individuality—our sense of t…