March 2023: Horoscopes for Moderns
Saturn in Pisces reminds us that our original cultural impulse was to develop ways for humans to work together to ensure survival—to live harmoniously with nature—not to dominate and crush it.
“Everyone owes nature a death.” —Sigmund Freud
FOR SOME OF YOU reading this, Pluto’s late March ingress into Aquarius will be the end of the line for your Plutonic experiences (while in a physical body). Pluto will not exit Aquarius until 2043. Do the math.
This planetary transit will mark the next two decades with a thick black highlighter, where the destructive components between technology and the human heart appear like a newfangled untraceable virus.
Concoct your own three of four delineations here, things you’ve already read about AI, deep fakes, the destruction of art through shit like Midjourney, and the metaverse. Now add the words: run amok to the equation.
Add to this: Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7. These two transit shifts are a fascinating one-two punch.
Immediately after entering Aquarius in March of 2020, Saturn put the entire global social structure (Aquarius) into lockdown (Saturn) with COVID.
We won’t understand the full implications of this bizarre sociocultural stall for years to come, especially when we see the impact the transit had on kids, deprived of developing crucial human skills while being cloistered, masked, and locked into mind-numbing relationships with computers, webcams, and social media.
As I told my shrink the other day, while discussing the upside related to COVID, the Saturn in Aquarius transit did a number on modern culture’s maddening pace that capitalism had convinced everyone they couldn’t live without or beyond.