November 2021: Horoscopes for Moderns
Picture the clogged supply chains and then ask yourself, "Do I need one more iota of shit added to my life right now?"
MARS, THE PLANET OF PUSH continues to transit Scorpio throughout the month.
Imagine sand moving through the fulcrum of an hourglass. It’s emptying out from the top but collecting and building a small mountain in the lower half. That’s Mars in Scorpio.
The bottom, or hidden half is accruing, while you’re doing less with the top—the tried and trusted, the old and worn. All the crap you ordered from Amazon.
Time to consider the underworld and its sustenance. The more you release and relinquish, the more life force is afforded you to be content—to settle with less.
Keep in mind that we each use objects and things to shore up our baseline sense of self. “That’s my television. I exist.” As things disappear we are returned to our natural state. Spacious and free.
This might sound kookie, but ask yourself, do I need one more iota of shit added to my life right now?
I forget which mystic it was, maybe Bernadette Roberts in her book The Experience of No-Self, that described the feeling of the awareness of ‘god in one’s life’ as a consistent pressure.
This is also an apt metaphor for the planet Mars. You don’t want to do something—but you need to do something. See if you can simply feel the pressure this month as a purgative. That will put you on the right side of the Tao.
On the 10th Mars (desire) squares Saturn (not that way) in Aquarius—always a crowd pleaser! Actually, this is an opportunity to use Aquarian sobriety to reevaluate the key relationships in your life.
If an explosion or rupture results, you’ll just have to live with it. Sometimes acting out is the only way towards a meaningful and clean break.
Here are some pointers for your Sun sign: