Our Kali Yuga Moment
The Dregs explained. Donald Trump and Mark Zuckerberg are just the tips of the icerberg
THE KALI YUGA is the age we are living in within terms of East Indian chronology. There is a Golden Age, a Silver Age, a Bronze Age and ours is the end of the cycle: The Iron age.
This Dark Age is overseen by Kali. Goddessbless her soul.
From archeologist and philosopher John Steele:
Kali is the Goddess of the dissolution of time and structures. She clears the way for those impediments of evolution that have arisen. The Tibetan translation for Kali Yuga means literally the ‘dregs of time’, the bottom of the barrel of time.
Time has acquired such temporal density that it can actually be felt somatically in the body.
And the definition of ‘temporal density’ is that we have too many events per unit of time to fully assimilate in our everyday life.
That means you have to pay the bills, take the kids out, go to the doctor, wash the clothes, and put the cat out—an unending array of tasks that have to be accomplished. And just when you think you've accomplished them all, new ones magically ar…