Spring Madness Post
Two eclipses kneecap the equinox, Jessica Murray on the Rage of Aquarius cast, an astrological Q and A with my paid subscribers (ask me one question about your transits), and the Adam Grant 'thing.'
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I MET ASTROLOGER Jessica Murray many lifetimes ago (if such things exist—multiple lifetimes). Actually, within our current version of time and space, it was ten, maybe fifteen years ago. In other words, she’s someone whom I seem to have known forever. And I honestly can’t remember how we officially met. I do know it was through email, but I can’t place the origin date. I do recall that after discovering her writing and books via her online presence, I became an instant fanboy. If you want a capsulized version of Jessica’s style and approach, it’s right there in the name of her website: Mother Sky. (Take that, Zeus!)
Jessica and I are similar in that we don’t hobnob much within the astro community (although she does offer knowledge-laden tutorials and webinars through Tony Howard’s Astrology University). I think our social mode has bonded us over time. She observes from the sidelines and then sends dispatches out into the whirling molecules we call ‘our world.’ Jessica is hands down the finest astrologer working today with a fiercely forged activist spirit. And it’s from that place that she delineates sociocultural events through her astrological lens. You won’t find a better commentator or dots-connector.
So, it’s with delight that I’m announcing Jessica’s appearance on our March episode of the Rage of Astrology: The Outsider Astrologer Podcast. In this discussion, along with my colleagues Andrei Burke and Rachel Capurso, we zig-zag through an array of various topics. There are obvious ones, like Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius, but also some odd takes on Taylor Swift and the fixed star Regulus (!), Trump and the upcoming election (yes, we tarried there), and more.
And coming in April to the Rage cast: We’re excited to announce our roundtable with archetypal astrologer Laurence Hillman. This was another rich and lively exchange that you don’t want to miss.
You can subscribe for updates to our channel over on YouTube.
And now some hot takes on what you can anticipate from the upcoming springtime eclipses: