Zeitgeist Trends: March 29, 2022
Getting slap (un)happy at the 2022 Oscars with Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, and Chris Rock.
GATHER THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE together in an auditorium with millions of people watching from their phones or computers and you have an evening that makes for an excellent astrological teaching tool.
Astrology imbues time with essence and character, as said essence and character occupy and then are dispersed, moment by moment, through space. This is called motion, movement, activity. Some call it karma.
Take for example Sunday night’s Academy Award moment when Will Smith slapped comedian Chris Rock.
Rather than take on the natal horoscopes of the players (Smith: Libra, Pinkett Smith: Virgo, and Rock: Aquarius), you’ll garner more clarity by reading the chart for the moment.
If you’re ever interested in understanding the socio-cultural impact of any event, the event’s horoscope is the way to go. True, natal horoscopes of players offer key insights, but history is defined by moments woven together to make a story.
Here’s the horoscope: