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Apr 23, 2021
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Too complex. Edit down to one aspect or placement.

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Venus 28 degrees in Cancer / 4th house

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That's a highly creative Venus and the ease of her expression depends on your ability to start any project (or relationship) from an absolutely clean blank slate (no residue, no baggage brought into the effort). I mention the latter because of the 4th house placement (where endings dovetail into beginnings). A way to bring this Venus to life is to study your paternal lineage (4th house) and see what skills, proclivities, or artistic genes you've inherited from your father and grandfather. The more you research that history the closer you'll come to embracing your Venusian gifts.

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An unaspected Mars (10 Gemini), 9 degrees from Jupiter (1 Gemini) - so just too far to be conjunct - with the Jupiter almost on the midheaven.

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I consider planets in the same sign as being conjunct, maybe not literally, but I don't care, I read them in the same way. Of course, the closer the orb the more emphatic the force behind the urge for expression. 4th 10th house placements are the most Freudian. All of the mother-father material is intermixed with how the planets find expression in our lives. Just thinking about Mars and Jupiter together in Gemini is exciting. Electrical, bustling, a giant eyeball taking in the 'all' of life–– bursting with curiosity. Achievement and success follow whatever effort you make to trace and flow with your curiosity. Ask yourself what you want to know more about, and then start there. Even if it seems impractical. Commit to learning more and then consider ways to share and disseminate your discoveries with others. Those two planets combined desire to broadcast, teach, share, publish, inspire, titillate; anything that gets the intellect moving. The Mercurial gifts of the mother and grandmother should be considered, even if they went unexpressed––you are part of that lineage.

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My Virgo sun is in the 10th house but it's an intercepted house, and my sun makes no aspects to other planets except a wide square to Uranus in Sagittarius in 1st house. I have trouble identifying with my Virgo traits even though they are apparent. Like I have been told I'm a talented writer but have trouble putting my writing out there for public consumption.

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As a writer, the only advice about writing I've read that rang true was: The only way to write is to sit down and write. If you're unwilling to do that then all of the rest are static non-issues. If that's the case then let go of the writing notion and move on to other skills or interests. Virgo Sun in 10th is aligned with the matriarchal mysteries, Guardians of the Grain, etc. Find out more about this from your mother, grandmother, great grandmother; the mysteries they were in alignment with. The wide square to Uranus can be considered as a kind of jump-start kit that you use for a dead battery in a car. Putting yourself in situations that shock or disturb or rattle or break the spell of the status quo can galvanize the Sun into its Virgo attributes.

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Wow thank you for that!! I have actually internalized exactly that - started practicing tarot after my godmother passed away a year ago, and started tuning into my indigenous & ancestral wisdoms after my grandmother's passing a few years prior. My godmother did not use tarot but was an otherwise alchemical person with a fertile spirituality. She was a prayer leader in a version of traditional chant unique to my indigenous culture. I also very much relate to the need to be shocked / rattled out of complacency. 🌿 ♥️

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I love this! Yes, it sounds as though you are already engaging with this vector.

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T-square Venus in Leo on AC, opp Saturn in Aquar on DC, Square Neptune in Scorp on IC.

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The 'remedy' for any t-square is the sign left out of the grand square formation, in this case, the sign Taurus. This brings your body directly into the mix; the body's wisdom, the insights of the instincts that don't have a language that we can trace with the mind. Your t-square is one for the generation we are living through presently -- where tech is taking over everyone's life -- where the body is left behind. If I had this in my chart I'd look at ways to instruct or teach or inspire others with whatever it is that you're drawn to sharing. Venus in Leo on the ascendant teaches by being present, just showing up and sharing what is happening in your life as a way for other folks to get in touch with their own self-expression. Fixed sign squares are the most charged, complex, and rewarding ––once the intense force is 'grounded' and put to practical expressions–– Taurus again. Working with them requires a hardcore kind of self-honesty. So many secrets, many of which are like seeds waiting to sprout. (Taurus again!)

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Saturn 23 degrees aries 1st house sextile Uranus 29 degrees virgo & Neptune 24 degrees scorpio

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I don't pay attention to sextiles in charts, so I don't have a lot to say here, though I will talk about Saturn in Aries in the first house. This is a grand and romantic Saturn, in the Joan of Arc style––all that might be missing is a particular crusade or cause or larger-than-life inspiration that, once fulfilled, makes the world a better place to live in. The beauty of the placement arrives after engagement with said missions––which, over time, does away with the feeling that you are stranded and all alone on an island in your life (which can be a harsh Saturnine experience to live with).

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It's a nice pattern and I've always wondered. Saturn does directly oppose Venus in Scorpio and Mercury in Libra, both in the 7th house, so that's probably more important. And lonely-making.

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Also, thank you - this is a nice way to think about that part of my chart!

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Venus 29 degrees Cancer in my 9th house conjunct MC

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square my 29 degree Libra in the 12th.

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You mean square your ascendant at 29 degrees Libra. This is quite the puzzle, as Venus is moments away from shifting into Leo and your Ascendant is poised to morph into Scorpio. As Venus rules the chart this bardo condition would be a position to completely own and not dismiss or distance from. Life becomes about the liminal and the mysteries attendant metamorphosis. What exactly is breaking down and building up within a chrysalis that we can't see? Should a biologist cross-section the cocoon to study the process, the butterfly-in-the-making dies. Of course, Virgo wants to look inside everything to break down all of the components that comprise a whole, thinking they'll finally 'get' what's going on––but, again, the same theme repeats with your Sun in the 12th house (I'm familiar with your chart). Again, the liminal life is to be celebrated and owned completely. Pluto moving to oppose the chart ruler should crack the entire koan open (without any prying on your part)––but that's an inquiry for another time.

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thank you for this... it makes perfect sense really. though often terribly uncomfortable.

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I want to better understand a YOD with my Pisces sun focal point in my second house. Libra Neptune in my ninth is sextile my Leo Pluto in my eighth house. I feel blessed and powerless.

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Well, if you feel blessed and powerless you've reached a major insight or condition that most people only achieve on their deathbed. Congratulations. We spend our lives thinking that we are in control of destiny when really that's only a hallucination perpetuated by the Tony Robbins $chool of achievement. I don't work with sextiles, so I'm not up on the YOD aspect, but it sounds fascinating. What I have learned from studying traditional astrology (which is replete with wisdom and wackiness) is that a second house Sun can take years to click into its groove; being positioned as it is to the ascendant, the point of awareness in the chart, one can feel like they are standing behind a door listening to conversations going on in another room and then waiting to be invited in. Sometimes you just have to burst into the other room. What you'd want to look for are the squares, trines, or oppositions to your Sun, as those will give you the fuel you need to galvanize whatever your imagination is piqued by. Too, Pisces individuals can drift for decades before finding the right tidepool to land in. Einstein, a Pisces, had a very boring job that afforded him all of his brilliant insights and breakthroughs as his formatory mind was occupied with menial tasks. So you can be doing your Pisces thing in just about any circumstance. But take notes and then compile your experiences into a new, never-before-seen matrix.

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Scorpio moon conj saturn(both 20°) 5th house trine cancer asc(15°) trine midheaven(23°) pisces.

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Well, this is a very occult arrangement, meaning your Saturn Moon is designed to go underground and bring to life (5th house) all of the hidden subjects or pastimes that most everyone in mainstream culture ignores or considers too taboo. So if you aren't committing to a project or pastime or hobby or job that allows for that kind of intense focus, into the unseen, you might consider exploring those options. The Cancer ascendant and Pisces midheaven can find inspiration in healing or nurturing what is weaker or younger or inexperienced. Also, you'd make a wonderful detective, your heightened emotional instincts can act as a psychic Geiger counter to lead you towards whatever goal you're sleuthing on.

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Thank you! I am more drawn to occult study as I age. I often pick up on the needs of the child within, even from people I don’t like, and scandi noir detective shows are a favorite.

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BTW a postscript: Regarding my YOD question earlier, Pisces is intercepted in my second house

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I don't work with intercepted houses, and neither should you. One of astrology's greatest mindfucks. All houses are present and active in a chart. This is why I recommend whole sign charts to my students.

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Moon conjunct descendant

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This can be a frustrating Moon. Somewhere in childhood, you got the message that your emotional needs were secondary to your caregivers, so you might always be reading people and trying to determine what is going on with them so you can feel comfortable around them and then meet their needs. This can be an energy drain and needs to be consciously countered so you're not weighed down with other people's shit.I recommend the book Drama of the Gifted Child to many of my clients with this lunar hot spot (unless there are strong fire sign placements to mitigate the Moon position). A major key to 'optimizing' this Moon is to try and work where there are defined boundaries between yourself and other people; where rules and guidelines are in place. With a structure in place that defines positions you can really go to town then and open up, and use your empathetic skills to assist people in many different ways. And get paid for it.

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Thanks Frederick! This is valuable. I've read Drama of the Gifted Child! I love Alice Miller- strangely enough it was one of her books that pushed me to go through a huge change that amounted to my learning how to set boundaries. Im still working on it... :)

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Saturn 1st House @18° AQ

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Happy Saturn return. That's one kick-ass Saturn. You're like the queen of Saturn in Aquarius (being in the first house). Dane Rudhyar considered this degree of Aquarius to be like a lightning rod hot zone, the Aquarian potential to break from the past, shatter existing structures, shake things up is amplified to the max. But then the demure and still quality of Saturn in the 1st can screw the lid on too tight––where chemical reactions ignite and explode beneath the surface. How you give expression (1st) house to this contradictory mix is important––especially for your health. This tends towards a melancholic temperament, so the more joy-filled experiences you can foster in your life will be important. You can elevate and inspire this Saturn up by watching or listening to things that make you laugh. The droller the better. Find your tribe––Saturn 1st house folks can often become too isolated, removed, distanced in their ivory tower (which allows them to do all of their deep thinking and philosophizing). So a social life that involves like-minded souls, with interests similar to yours, is a good antidote. You'd also be an excellent manager of a comedy club!

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Thank you, Frederick. ❤ It continues to be a bumpy ride...

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Sun 8 degrees in Taurus 4th house opposition Moon 10 degrees Scorpio 10th house square N Node Aquarius and S node Leo (too many?)

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This is a potent full Moon chart, and squaring the nodes puts dynamic tension on the nodal qualities, namely the skills we are born with as determined by the culture we're born into. The nodes are strange in that way, as they uncannily relate to lifepath orientation. Marc Edmund Jones called the nodes the 'pole of destiny'. I don't know anything empiric (or believe anything) about past lives or reincarnation or recurrence, but if such a cycle exists the nodes are tied directly into that movement. Your node polarity involves bringing your charisma into collective or cultural endeavors. Seeing the universal in the particular and the particular in the universal. If you aren't in a central relationship then you will need to develop the same sort of commitment within YOURSELF to work with opposites. Meaning, your solar impulse is going in one direction and your lunar in another (and this is how we all experience relationships for the simple fact that another person isn't you, and that creates tension). Your north node echoes this theme too. You'll need to contemplate what I'm saying here to get the nut of it. But the life force that's involved in sustaining a relationship is intense––which is why many people avoid them. But a Moon in Scorpio needs to have that same force operating at SOME level in their life; even if they live alone. Finally: Get massage work done regularly, that's important.

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Brilliant! Thank you for going into detail around the 'grand cross' aspect in my chart. When you say 'get massage work done regularly'; do you recommend once a week, once a month, once a quarter??? XOXO

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Once a month should be great (maybe around the full Moon).

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Perfect. A monthly (or more) massage is already in the works. It's crucial to my well being. I appreciate your perspective and recommendations. Thank you!

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Natal chart...Leo Ascendant 17.18 Pluto retrograde on the ascendant in Leon at 17.36 I've had different interpretations about this placement

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What's the interpretation that hit you the hardest? And then I'll share some of my ideas.

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Physical injury at a very young age at the hands of family member

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Well, if that was a prediction I'd say it's a very strange one. Or if it was something that arose in an inquiry and confirmed an event in your childhood I can see why it would stay with you. There's a difference. Regardless, the image involves power disparity, and that IS a huge theme for Pluto ascendant folks, especially in Leo. This is the placement of someone that people notice instantly when they walk in a room––they are charmed or repelled, but rarely an in-between. You're like an ambassador for Plutonic forces and not everyone welcomes that type of scrutiny. If you are able to align with the ideas in the Tao you'll do well with this Pluto, as the theme of constant upheaval and change is, well, a constant. Pluto asc people become bored and uninspired if life isn't in some sort of tumult that tests their endurance and personal power. So it's good if you can get on the same page with the movement that people avoid by trying to make everything solid and dependable. A lot will depend on how Pluto is being set off by the rest of our chart. But what I've noted here is a primary theme as I understand this Pluto/asc condition (and I know it well as I have the same position in my chart.)

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The reader, at the time, was explaining that a physical difference that I have was not congenital, but due to trauma, shortly after birth. What you write about plutonic forces hits home....people flock to me or stay away, and most of it has to do with them looking for the truth or avoiding hearing the truth. My sun is in Aries, 8.16 and Moon in Capricorn...2.24...someone once said, with the Aries and Leo you must be hard on people and then added, "oh the Capricorn Moon," you know how to get your point across and leave them standing. I'm going to check out Tao...I like to be busy, but do get bored easily...variety is much better for me. Thank you for your time and words.

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Moon in Gemini 6 th House

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Stories, insights, brainstorms to share about the everyday world that we occupy. Stephen Spielberg has a strong sixth house emphasis and his career was made by depicting everyday people in extraordinary situations. My point being the sixth house can take the mundane, the simple, the overlooked, and illuminate what is unique, complex, and valuable about it. You need to hear yourself before you understand what you're feeling, so communication in your life––talking and discussing with others––is critical. Or keep a journal or diary, that will also allow you another way to articulate your feelings and understand them better. You have uncanny antennae that pick up on hundreds of different frequencies in the culture. Every time I tell something new to my Moon in Gemini friend she'll say, "Oh, I know about that already" And she does! Hopefully, you are able to do something with this skill that's part of your job (sixth house).

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Thank you. I receive information about things that seem random mundane or not relevant then manifest later that do have relevance importance or an effect. Trying to pay more attention to these signals

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Venus conjunct Jupiter exact (give or take some minutes) in Aries 4th house.

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Hopefully, you had a father who mirrored back and valued all of the qualities that are wild and free in your nature. You are the biggest love affair in your life, and you'd do well to make sure you've as much autonomy and freedom as possible, even in interpersonal relationships. If you have a position where you can inspire others with your charisma and razzle-dazzle that will be great. And I hope all of the colors in your life are finding an outlet in what you wear, fashion can be a great tool for conveying your message and presence. The same applies to your home and its decor; whatever you can bring into your life that radiates color and sparkle should be welcomed. This can be a puzzling aspect for a woman, given the phallic nature of Aries, but it's up to you to carve a path that sets an example, and as I said, inspires others to embrace their own unique nature.

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Thank you so much...

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20ºScorpio north node 12th house with Pluto in Leo squaring ASC. Thank you. (My astrologer would have said my moon opposing Pluto.)

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Pluto in Leo is the 'me' generation, always asking and wondering: What's it all about Alfie? As Pluto is near the midheaven this becomes a raison d'etre in your life. The Scorpio north node in the 12th is compelled to answer that question, but it runs it through the circuitry of 'other'––the relational world––which the Pluto Leo isn't that interested in. Thus the square. North nodes in the 12th find their groove in giving back to the culture, helping heal and restore what is falling apart (or in need of recycling). A happy medium needs to be reached about how power is dispersed and SHARED (a big Scorpio north node theme). Much depends on efforts you've made in the past to free yourself from family baggage (skeletons in the closet, etc). The north node in the 12th rewards those who do the deep work––your Pluto says your equipped for such a mission.

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Accurate. Thank you.

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Venus in Cancer at the MC conjunct the South Node! For added t-square fun: Uranus at the AC, Chiron at DC.

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Grand trine in fire. Sagittarius sun, Aries moon, Leo mars

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Grand trines get a lot of good press, and there is something 'grand' about them, although I recall one of my teachers said they can be associated with a 'spoiled-brat temperament'. With Mars in Leo this sets your GT into the high-octane zone, imparting an overwhelming desire to expand the scope of your creativity and self-expression into undiscovered terrain. You might have to check the tendency to be constantly unsatisfied, given the fire signs' tendency to crave new excitement, new adventures, new substances to burn up. I've found that what's most efficacious is when a planet is in a square or opposition to one of the planets in the GT, this provides a channel of release if the GT becomes a sort of harmonious static. So that would be another condition to consider when understanding this aspect.

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Stellium in the 2nd house: Moon/Jupiter (in Aquarius)/Venus (in Pisces). All trined by Uranus in the 7th house.

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Gamblers would enjoy having you hanging around the roulette wheel, as a sort of good luck charm. The Uranus trine gives this trio of planets an added boost of luck and felicity––the question is finding a unique channel or path for that bounty to flow through. Second house placements can be tricky, as I've noted above–– it takes time for you to tune in to how the forces manifest, and if they aren't manifesting why is that? An important factor to consider is other people, as in the people in your community, finding a place and function within a group will activate a lot of the luck factor around this placement. An Aquarian Moon and Jupiter ––tied in with Venus in Pisces' ––amplifies the desire to feel a part of the universal story of humankind, to be actively involved with your body in the making and sustenance of that story.

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Virgo Sun & Venus less than one degree apart in 4th House. Aaargh.

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Well, the aaargh doesn't bode well. :-) Venus in Virgo gets a bum rap, but it shouldn't. This is a highly sensual Venus, and there is a unique bond between sexuality and the mind. (Which has been called the largest erogenous zone in the body.) This can also be the marker of what I call sexualized spirituality, akin to the experience of a nun or monk. This doesn't need to show up in life in a literal way, but it's something to consider when you begin to question how you're expressing yourself creatively. You will need periods of solitude, removal, sequestering, to get in touch with your desires. There is a link in this house to your paternal lineage, and I recommend understanding more what you've inherited from your father, grandfather, etc.––what gifts they've imparted that might be waiting for you to awaken them. Find ways to highlight the wonderful qualities of the sign Virgo and ditch self-criticism and nitpicking. It serves no one, especially yourself.

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