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THERE IS NOTHING LEFT IN MY BEING that can muster one more iota of commentary about tomorrow. What remains are tiny particles of free-floating anxiety that have been shoved aside by reading and watching other things that are light years away from US politics.
But for those of you who might have missed the early political commentary on WOODRUFF, which involved astrology and the Tarot, here are some links for you:
That trio of discussions, all with astrologer Jessica Murray, are for those hoping to understand what astrology reveals about the characters of each candidate (or former candidate.)
I also did several detailed Tarot draws on the election, the most popular of which was an in-depth look at who would win tomorrow’s election. That post is located here.
Uh Oh.
So I lied. I am going to reference the election. This popped out of me just as I was about to sign off here.
As a professional astrologer of 45+ years, I have never witnessed a cultural moment like ours that so directly mirrors, in polychromatic colors, the particulars of the more prominent transits at play. Namely the exit of Pluto from Capricorn, with its mind-grinding hovering back and forth around the 29th degree of the sign.
This back-and-forth movement between Aquarius and Capricorn feels like foreplay before the planet penetrates Aquarius for the long haul on November 19. The cusp-toggling transmission reads: “Here is the old shit. No, wait—here is the new stuff. Oh, no, sorry, dude, here’s some old shit again. But wait, here comes the new. Finally!”
Pluto’s Aquarius transit will initiate each of us into a world where the ancient tropes of sexism, nativism, and racism have lost or at least are forced to minimize their grip on the cultural imagination. That’s the cosmic signature’s promise.
When Pluto is involved, cusps are the thresholds between different worlds. And Pluto, the slowest, most profound marker of societal shifts, has been burning out the remnants of its glacial Capricorn transit by doing what Pluto does best—exaggerating the sign’s most grotesque over-exaggerations. People are so out of touch today; they need what ails them enlarged to mythic, Shakespearean levels.
And so, no accident, in the US at least, we’ve had to endure ten years of the mindnumbing presence of MAGA. It takes a narcissistic chaos generator like Trump to keep his pathology—and its movement—front and center before each of us, day after fucking day, until—finally—what will occur tomorrow. The first application of a muzzle that will turn down the volume of his pathological rhetoric.
I’ve lost friends during this election cycle or maintained certain friendships by keeping politics off the table between us. There is nothing in my psychic makeup that’s able to comprehend the proudly displayed racism, sexism, and nativism (to name a few of its aberrancies) of the MAGA world. We’re all very much ‘through the looking glass’ when this sort of toxicity is celebrated. That its proponents don’t see any of this speaks directly to the blind spot of bigotry that has winded through the nation ever since the South lost the Civil War.
I’m almost done.
But I want to mention this final point: What’s been little highlighted through the Pluto through Capricorn years is the misogyny that peaked with the reversal of Roe v. Wade. This thrusts us deep into the heart of The Handmaid’s Tale territory, and the female rage associated with this loss of bodily liberty will propel Kamala Harris into the White House. I’m as sure of this as I am that the Sun will rise tomorrow.
That a Black-Asian woman (talk about a triple whammy) will assume the most powerful position in the world is both a literal and symbolic rebuke to Pluto’s long transit through the entrenched patriarchy (sorry to use that tired term, but it is apt) that controls the levers of power that make the world of men go round. Those in control of power are rabidly reluctant to relinquish it—doubly so to a woman. (As a crazy-ass aside, watch Netflix’s documentary on Martha Stewart’s ‘bitch hunt’ for a literal example of what I’m referring to.)
The dominion of men is waning. Women are on the ascent. This is what Aquarius is about. First and foremost, we are human beings, not creatures defined solely by our sex or gender. But there are undeniable mindsets associated with the sexes, and the male cosmology has experienced its day. I’m not implying that the world will shift into an enlightened state during Pluto’s 24-year transit through Aquarius. Still, I am suggesting that we’ve had eons of male-ruled corporatocracy and, well, now, it’s a woman’s turn to slide into the hot seat.
May the goddess bless her.
Opening photograph: photographer unknown. Source: Tumblr.
⭐️ My new book, I Love You Jeffrey Dahmer arrives soon! ⭐️
• Is Astrology Making You Crazy?
• Time to Talk About Kamala Harris with astrologer Jessica Murray.
• Blonde on Blonde: Taylor Swift! Donald Trump! When World’s Collide
• Charisma: What’s YOUR Quota?
• Can Science Prove or Disprove Astrology?
• Trump Fatigue: How Will His Current Court Case Play Out?
• Mark Zuckerberg: Trouble Child
• Nonsense & Malaise: Astrological Insights for Maneuvering the Hive
• When Mars Turns Against You—Uh oh!
• The 12th House: Astrology’s House of the Rising Sun
• Bad Astrology is Everywhere (my most popular last year).
Thank you Frederick for your brilliant thoughts your ability as a man to be clear and open and embracing of what I to think in my heart is our is just so heavy. I think I as a women am clearing out so much of the old. I appreciate you for helping with that!
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! You have given me hope and I feel the weight of fear and anxiety gradually lifting as I type this message! Tomorrow I will be watching with a Bloody Mary at my side (and I am an extreme light weight when it comes to drinking…I hope it will help me sleep tomorrow night!)