I actually received a “it’s their birthday today” notification from FB about a coworker who had passed away years prior. My heart sank and at the same time I got a little sick to my stomach.. how must the family members feel receiving such notifications of their long gone loved ones.. it’s truly sickening.

Although your article made laugh, I have to admit, at “When I die I want the actual gigabytes of porn I streamed detailed.” Hilarious! Love your sense of humor 😌

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Ooof, it's rough out there. I have taken up your practice of going through my "memories" and deleting the old posts.

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It’s such a potent symbolic gesture of salvaging your identity from their gobbling maw! Yes!

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I love this. Thank you for posting. BTW, have you looked at WT Social? I was searching for non-toxic, non-algorithmic (or should that read "non-ALGOL-ithmic") social site to share posts with friends, etc. It's built by Wikipedia guy Jimmy Wales.

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Thanks. I did check that out and it was a bit of a mess. The interface was very web 1998. Didn’t work for me.

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omg. you are simply the best writer, Frederick. I wish I was not so averse to FB these days - there are things I'd like to say, sometimes I post stuff in the mundane astrologers group, but the whole thing just has gotten so tragic and -- what is dystopian tragedy? Your singling out Zuck as an archetype years ago was presentient, despite his being horrifying even then. Before the war (by war I mean -- anything from Trump through the present moment)... When I read that (is this true, even?) people were actually buying high-priced real estate and luxury items on Meta Island, I just broke. Side note: I don't get NFTs. At all.

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All writers should be lucky enough to have 'fans' like you Victoria. Thank you for your kind words.

As Jessica Murray said to me the other day, "You can't stop writing about MZ, he's your white whale." 😂

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hahahaha Well, he just becomes a bigger and whiter dick by the year, so you have a worthy whale. Did you know that Matthew Weiner, the writer and originator of Mad Men was inspired by Moby Dick and / or used it as some kind of model? That might be the best television writing I've ever seen (is, actually, but I'm not that dialed in)...

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Moby Dick, after the birth of the Industrial revolution, replaced the Bible as Western culture's central mythology. I just bought a new edition and I'm prepping to tackle it again.

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I had never actually read it until - around five years ago, maybe? And did it justice not at all, in the way I read it... Should re-read, but because I somehow was never required to in school, had to.

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Facebook is an example of a society that has gone off the rails. You gave me much to laugh at today. Feels so much better with all those endorphins floating in my body.

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Oh, I'm glad to hear that Linda.

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The fact that no one feels obligated to share what someone died from bothers me. I then have to assume it’s something like suicide or overdose which makes me sadder. If the zombie apocalypse started we’d all have no idea because everyone’s obit is just joy and glory.

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Yes, I'm ruthless when I dive into an obit; my eyes are scanning like crazy, skipping over all of the BS, looking for cause. When I see it's not listed I skip the whole thing. (Hazards of a Moon/Scorp with Pluto conj ascendant). 🤣

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Stellium in Scorpio here, I did a FB investigation today because a young guy from my hometown died, no mention anywhere of what happened!

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I have been "clean" of FB for (I think) two years, or maybe one, I'm not even sure. I didn't cancel my account, but I made a decision not to use it and it has been the most positively reinforcing health decision I think I've ever made. My own cells are knitting themselves back into a coherent whole. I read long-form journalism. I complete thoughts. I miss nothing, and — despite my biggest worries — feel as up-to-date about what's going on in the world as I did when I was on there.

I toyed with the idea of running my political campaign entirely off of social media, just to see if it could be done and make a point about how destructive it is. But I succumbed to the pressure of my advisors and manager, who thought it couldn't or shouldn't be done. I regret that.

We really need a critical mass of ppl to really turn their backs on it. Quietly, without fanfare, no revolution, no screaming. Just literally turn around. Maybe a middle finger, that's it. What a redemption that would be.

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Yes, absolutely. Trenchant comment.

It was amazing to witness that phenomenon with MySpace. Almost within a day everyone ‘turned their backs’ — and then — kaput.

Of course they all migrated over to FB. So crazy, from one sociopath (Murdock) to another (MZ).

How did your campaign turn out Allison?

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Thank you so much! Yes, I think there is much power in quietly redirecting our attention, preferably toward the many places that urgently need it, including our own well-being. There's so much we could be doing with our time. Even nothing, which is a lot.

Aside from everything else, I don't quite understand why more people don't recognize (or, perhaps more to the point, act on the recognition) that social media leaves us feeling shitty and exhausted. I feel like I discovered a new vitamin, except it's the same vitamin humanity has been passively enjoying for 10,000 years: the vitamin of Not That.

And thank you so much for asking about my campaign! I was running against a local guy who'd held the seat (state rep) in a district that hadn't had a Democratic rep in 100 years, and I came awfully close! :)

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Next time! And thank you for trying.

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Next time for sure! And definitely without wasting a drop of life force on social media! :) Thank you!

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I just downloaded my photos (because photos!) and am scheduled to have the damn thing deleted in 30 days. Or so they say.

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Thank you for another reminder of that bullet dodged! Whew!!

One of my daughter's friends made a MySpace for me many, many years ago, and I never used it. Then watching both my girls dealing with the FB drama llama ding dong in the aughts was enough to scare me away.

Reading that article you linked, it seems that Zucky's ML wasn't taught correctly either. Or maybe he's just a boy playing with all his toys... 🤦🏼‍♀️

Terrifying 😱

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For background on Meta, perhaps interviews of AI specialist Cyrus Parsa by Kerry Cassidy relevant, although ironic that a Persian- American never considers what Rudolf Steiner asserted about the cosmic entity of cold mechanical digital intelligence named "Ahriman" (Zoroasterism) incarnation in 21st century America. On the other hand P2 whistleblower Leo Lyon ("Glamis Calling" of Somerset Belanoff & Jessie Czebotar) Zagami includes Ahriman symbol on his new book cover.

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