HOW IS EVERYONE DOING while encountering their personal version of the popular TV show Hoarders?
Share your insights here:
My latest Horoscopes for Moderns offers some pointers as today’s New Moon and the planet Mars illuminate Scorpio, setting off an electrifying opposition to Uranus (burn it down) while squaring Saturn (“Only you can prevent forest fires!”)
Here are some Scorpionic gifts and surprises worth your time and heart:
700 hobo names as read from the book The Areas of My Expertise by John Hodgman. I’ve played this three times already and still its charm doesn’t diminish.
Author Dennis Cooper’s collection of coffins.
Hollywood fanboy John Calendo’s whimsical take on your favorite witch, Endora, from Bewitched.
The Byrds’ gorgeous take on Pete Seeger’s Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is a Season). Bonus: OMG, Gene Clark’s beauty!
See you next week with my new post, Mark Zuckerberg: Trouble Child.
This will be the first time I’ve tried my hand at delineating an android’s birth chart, but, hell — turn, turn, turn!
Im not much of a hoarder but my place is being sold after living here for 14 years. So yes, there is a sense of satisfaction after lying on my belly to reach into the void of the under the counter back recesses to remove a roasting pan that I haven't used for at least a dozen years along with boxes of books that I will never reread and on and on:) And yes - finding homes for most things.