Skip Passion and Jump on Your Saturn
I mean, only if you want to cut to the chase in the new Junk America.
“We have got on to slippery ice where there is no friction and so in a certain sense the conditions are ideal, but also, just because of that, we are unable to walk. We want to walk: so we need friction. Back to the rough ground!” —Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations
THE POSITION OF SATURN in your birth chart will do good things for you if you make way for a commitment. A committed relationship. Get rid of the notion that “He’s just not that into you.” (Trust me, Saturn’s ‘into’ each of us).
From ancient Kabalistic text, we learn that it is Saturn that ‘forms’ and clothes us in our skin. Binah, the Saturn seriphoth is related directly to The Mother (mother with a capital ‘M’). For this reason, I look to Saturn in the birth chart as one of the components related to our experience of our actual mother.
If you think about the first couple of years of your life, you can’t escape the realization that your impressions and images of your mother are overlaid onto the entire world as you mature.
Once we unravel Saturn’s secrets, we gain our sovereignty and emotional autonomy. We are officially adult denizens of planet Earth.
The planets are akin to people. They aren’t archetypes or symbols; for lack of a better way of expressing it, the planets are living beings. Read some of the old text from Marsilio Ficino, who, through magical processes, related directly to the planetary entities.
How does one draw down the spirit of Saturn? Well, Ficino, the presiding genius (and astrologer and physician) of the Florentine Academy during the early Italian Renaissance, wrote:
“The ancients made an image of Saturn for long life in Feyrizech, that is, in Sapphire, at the hour of Saturn, with Saturn ascending and well disposed. Its form was this: an old man sitting in a high chair or on a dragon, his head covered with a dark linen cloth, his hands extending above his head, holding in his hand a sickle or fish, clothed in dark garment.”
Natch, it would be a Jupiter-ruled Sadge—Joseph Campbell—who told us to align with our passion for getting what we most want in and out of life. Well, yes and no.
First, that ‘follow your bliss’ bromide is about 80 years old and was delivered before social media influencers and the giant corps that ‘fund’ them had convinced us that anyone can become a media star overnight.
Be it a chef, a gardener, a gamer, a porn star, or a collector of Beanie Babies. The internet offers a cornucopia of fetishes and scores of attendant enthusiasts—from Alquetraz to Zurich—each vying for popularity and expanded cash flow.
Of the 18 million folks who set up an account on Instagram, Etsy, or Youtube, only an infinitely tiny segment makes a livable income. Conversely, and mercifully there are only a few Kardashian types on the planet.
The horror of the internet is that it has transformed all kinds of arts—filmmaking, writing, musicianship, goldfish breeding, into what’s now generically called ‘content,’ which is shorthand for art being turned into chattel for the five corporations that dominate the media landscape.
Saturn—and I don’t care how the planet is aspected or unaspected in your chart—is a focal point that, once embraced, reveals the circumstances and the paths we need to follow to meet our destiny.
Saturn is such a keen barometer of the human life span; this is why I make the planet’s transits my primary guide for pinpointing direct solutions to any particular conundrum a client comes to me with.
You can follow Saturn around the wheel of your chart and note where you are located as an entity within our collective hallucination—the realm of cultural visibility (or obscurity).
Are you riding the wheel of fortune skyward or descending to regroup and rework your act before taking it out on the road again?
Let’s talk about your natal Saturn placement this weekend.
Post your insights, stories, questions, and revelations in the comments below.
Thank you for the invite to share... My natal Saturn is in Taurus (4°) in the 11th house, square Mars in Aquarius (1°) in the 8th house and opposite Mercury in Scorpio (7°) in the 5th house, and widely opposite the Sun (13°), also in Scorpio. Natal Venus (Saturn's dispositor) is in Libra (24°) conjunct Jupiter (22°) in the 4th house. Saturn rules the 7th house, (Ascendant/Descendant at 8°) Capricorn, and the 8th house, Aquarius, in my chart. Transiting Saturn is currently conjunct my MC at 22° Aquarius in the 8th house. I often find myself stuck, mired, incubating, for long stretches of time before finding the open door that leads me into change, action, transformation. I spent the first half of my life working out the emotional/psychological traumas of childhood and I am ready now to move up and out and forward... My aspirations are diverse but the conditions of my life are often limiting. I want above all else to support the Earth and Nature, protect our planet from our species' own destructive impulses. Whatever I do, I hope to inspire in my community a reverence for Nature and Empathy for the Earth and her diverse creatures. While I do beseech Saturn to reveal his offerings to me directly, I would invite any insight you have into Saturn's obscured, to my view, graces and gifts and how best to optimize these gifts in the service of our Mother Earth.
Saturn -ruled Cancerian Sun here and progressed Saturn is conjunct my natal Saturn in Taurus and all I keep thinking about (and writing about) is sovereignty and what that looks and feels like. Saturn as skin. Saturn as bones. And how all that ties in with feelings of comfort and safety etc...