"..who in the fuck knows what’s next." Indeed. But as to this singular event, the assassination attempt (I am tempted to call it the ass attempt but will refrain), we immediately began to see deep state conspiracy theories from both the left and the right. I naively thought this was the domain of the far right whackos and was saddened to see it from the opposite end of the political divide. As Miss Davis famously quipped, "Fasten your seatbelts; it's going to be a bumpy night."

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Thanks for posting. Yes, whatever the results of this election, the next four years are going to be extremely turbulent and chaotic.

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So weird, I happen to look up Donald's chart and noticed that the waxing square of Mars and Uranus was in striking distance of manifestation and later that day there was an assassination attempt. Of course everyone is scrambling with all algorithmic conspiracies thrown into the mix so it's best to let the dust settle until there is a little more ground underneath our feet. Not sure when and if that will happen. The exact Mars conjunct Uranus happens on Monday, the day of the RNC. Good to know they have an astrologer for that date,(kidding). And as the moon waxes toward being full this coming Sunday, it happens to fall on the 29th degree of Capricorn, conjuncting the US chart's Pluto as well as transiting Pluto. Sorry for all of this data that you already know. I needed to vent. Anyghow, having said that, I am optimistic about a few things.1- sometime this month Venus will become and evening Star. Supposedly, as history notes, when Venus is an evening Star there are less wars on Earth, more peace. Another aspect that I'm looking at on the November 5th Election is the US chart will experience another Chiron return. I know you don't think much of it as previous posts reveal, but you don't have Chiron conjunct your Ascendant like I do, and even Liz Greene makes a case of it in her recent book. As for Donald and his recent mishap, his chart is quite trying with transiting Saturn squaring his Sun and soon natal Uranus. A lot of the fallout is declaring that because of this failed attempt, he will certainly become our next President. I don't think he has an easy go of it with his present aspects. Just my two cents worth.

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Who the fuck knows what's next indeed! I've known for a while that stuff was going sideways. I had a flash of Piscean insight back in 2019. I do not enjoy going thru a deconstruction, but experience shows that the reconstruction makes things stronger and better. We just have to ride it out as best we can and grab onto good floaties😂

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Thank you for this Frederick, I was hoping I'd wake up this morning and find a followup to your and Jessica Murray's readings of Trump and Biden's (and the US's) charts.

What is the way through I wonder? How does such harsh polarization resolve itself? What is, as you mentioned in the Biden piece, the 'third element' that neutralizes the violence and misunderstanding?

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Perhaps saying he’s the Antichrist is a bit extreme. And I’m not Christian anyway. But I am remembering that astrologers have been wrong a lot when it comes to trump. He slides on Teflon when most people would be scorched for the same actions. My comments are in response to Nick Daganbest’s prediction that he wins the upcoming election. I agree with your statement, “Who the f^*k knows what’s next.”

I never in my 73 years of life in America would have thought we’d be here—at this inflection point.

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that's my favourite painting too. (profile pic lol)

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I feel a strange cathartic release in the aftermath of the shooting. It's been a roller coaster these past few years.

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With respect to the statement that "Uranus is the planet associated with democracy , a word/concept that is being incessantly evoked right now from all sides of the political spectrum. Though it looms large in the US birth chart, with a creative trine that has put American democracy on the world map, its current transit is fraught with anxiety. The People are undergoing shock therapy.” I have nothing to contribute to this discourse except an anal compulsion to correct the use of the word democracy with respect to our form of government. (Is that because of my Virgo moon??)

We are not, and have never been, a democracy (i.e. a one person, one vote) form of government. We are a republic (i.e., we elect representatives and it is they who do the voting and deciding on things).

"I pledge allegiance to the United States of America and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands."

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