Loved hearing your spin for the Mars Pluto it’s always an energy needs to go somewhere with mars. Physical activity or walking help all things move. Pluto retro might throw something you revisit, or remind you of what was too much. Sports injury. I like you have lots of feedback. Mars is the ruler of Aires and there’s lots of 0 1 degree activations. The world point need to have movement. With the solstice and Capricorn full moon near by bringing to completion and starting new comes to mind.

I have had an ongoing issue leaving a 5 year project. Moving in a positive direction today with emails to prospective supporters. This project was getting put on the side lines and frankly I was getting put on the sideline and just needed to be true to the project, quit the board of directors, to take on this project under our non profit, a documentary about a 1930’s women pioneer, writer, and conservationist. Certainly addresses things that have been hanging on getting a new life.

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Several health issues have been hanging fire for a while and with this square (iinvolving my 6th of health and 9th of beliefs and higher education/travel), I scheduled surgeries (3) for "tune-up" and repair. Hoping to get OFF some meds that I would prefer to NOT use due to side-effects. Confronting health, diet, and moving forward with it all. taking a vacation from wine and finding I have wasted a lot of time. Gratitude for your encouragement. I really relate to your take on astrology. I have been stuck. The old forms simply have not been speaking to me. Anticipating a intriguing future of study and practice in the new paradigm, once I run this gauntlet. Thanks, Frederick!

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Not to sound hyperbolic, but when I stopped wine (which I adored) my system did a complete 180. I hope you’re feeling better soon Mary Beth.

And thank you for your comment.

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My Mars-Pluto story: When trying to plan a family vacation yesterday, it was very hard for me to keep the inconveniences of the proposed plan in that moment separate from every other time going back decades that I had had to go along with something personally inconvenient for the common good.

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I actually had a great day yesterday, apart from having to explain myself to someone who is normally A OK.

Not hostile, but she'd thought I was hostile... I decided she was feeling the transit more than I was, or perhaps I somehow embodied it for her in some way.

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I like squares because shit gets done.

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I did get a lot of shit done! 🙌🏼

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Yep, still one of THE very best writers and astrologers, both and separately, out there.

Apropos to the (please dear beloved mother of god) almost-over notice I received about a legal dispute (in my favor) that has literally messed with my digestion and 1st chakra overall. The notice still freaked the shit out of me, but your analysis takes the matter onto higher ground. Also: How did Heironimous get away with it? Curious about his other lives.

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Dear girl, may this be the beginning of the end of all that shit.

And truly: Heironimous—what the motherfucking fuck? I mean, thank you, sir (I think). Someone had to say it/show it.

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I've recently been a little bit educated as to the whole tradition of 'grotesques' in medieval churches, etc., which purportedly reminded the freaked-out faithful of the nastiness in store if they transgressed, etc., and (my own thought) served as a creative outlet for all the insane repression afoot. Bosch was early Rennaisance era, or in the transition period? So he may have been riffing on that... In any case: timeless fucking genius. Thank you for your blessings re: that insane contention (with one you know, actually) - was a great read on the coinciding aspect pattern! x

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I am currently trying to convince troglodytes who fear of losing money to value (pay/put first) the people who teach their customers - who are students - this seems like a thing? Maybe? Everything feels constipated to me ;)

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Mars (the necessity to move something forward), square (with an inescapable momentum which, when ignored, becomes tension), Pluto (the final phase of decay and expulsion that clears the slate for a new life—or reestablishment of health).

So interesting because today my husband and I signed a sale agreement (Mars, yes?) to sell a tired but well maintained rental property (Pluto). The square was the tension of negotiate or accept., no ignoring this one. We accepted. The we can ‘clear this slate’. We’re older and it’s time to make this move. So fitting right?

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I've been wondering all afternoon, how is it that I keep expelling unusual amounts from my bladder, sorry, TMI, but seriously, I lost about four pounds today, all water. So yeah, I think it works with #1 and #2. Geez, this rarely happens to me and I never ever post stuff like this. It's temporary, I'm sure. Thanks for the heads up!

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Wow! That is fitting Kyle. And there’s never anything TMI here.

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First, thanks for making me think, and for the reminder of the Bosch painting!

I wasn't aware of the "doom" hanging over my head today😱😂 I see that Pluto is R in Aquarius. Isn't Pluto supposed to be super comfy in Aquarius? And R is chillin🤷🏼‍♀️

Now, Mars... Mars in Taurus, to me, means he's also chillin a little. Taurus is grounded, earthy, steady... those are words I associate with Taurus anyway.

So they're squared? Why is a square "bad"? I forget my high-school geometry, but isn't a 90° angle supposed to be stable?

Final thoughts... These planets are in "good" places and Mars will be moving on while Pluto slowly does his thing. I'm glad I didn't get my knickers in a twist about this cuz it seems like a Chicken Little situation 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Pluto is in my Midhaven (Aquarius), Mars in my Ascendant (Taurus). Yesterday, I woke up renewed, ready to reboot & rebuild. Today, I see more clearly what first needs to go.

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Jun 11Edited

Spooky Scorpio with sensitive Cancer moon with wild child Sag rising here.....

I've been feeling the exact Pluto (2nd) Square my Sun (11th) for a while now - it's not fun (I want to be an artist and have time to write and publish yada yada but my income job is demanding, draining and full of power struggles and can't afford to quit), but it's important. Still my Nep on my Asc holds a real pipe dream fantasy of being awash in money so this little personal "sacred v. the profane" war can end for me.

So throw in this Mars 1 degree into this mix? I dunno, the day is not over, but the Mars thing is like "Just keep your mouth shut today."

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I've never known any fledgling artist who has yet to swing two 'jobs' simultaneously. It's part of the rite of passage, especially nowadays, for any artist, writer or whatever. You figure it out, and then you do it -- that's the only option. Other than giving up. Your Sadge rising, if you follow it's intuitive hunches, will lead the way.

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I think I used to fear conflict, when I was younger (that Libra ascendant and Mars retrograde) but now, I'm like "let the games begin!" loved your Taylor article. Pluto trine Sun and moon natally.

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Thanks Loretta. I'm contemplating a deeper dive into Swift, although I also have apprehensions about the blowback from her Swifty army, which is quite vicious. It's no accident that she and Trump are the most famous people on Earth now; they both have the same sort of fervent and cult-like base propelling them deeper into the maw of pop culture. Can't wait to see what's finally shit out (to mention Mars/Pluto again, today) in the end.

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Haha, yes, the Swifties could get out of hand, but they'd also be likely to launch a Streisand effect where people who had never heard of you would suddenly wonder what all the ruckus was about. You get more subscribers, everyone you recommend gets more subscribers — I'm down for a Swifties vs. Astros flame war.

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I love Taylor for her generosity towards other. But, no, I don’t love her music. I think she’s gone as far as she can go musically…..and probably needs to spend more time with an actual song writer.

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