The 70s created a post-counterculture astrological renaissance where women (and gay men) ruled. But how are things configured now during astrology's explosive popularity online?
First, thank you for making me laugh. I love the way you write! I also love Elsa. I found you from something you guys did a few years ago.
I'm finding myself very jacked into my natal Aires Mars... or maybe it's my Aquarius rising, but I'm very direct and no-nonsense and all about getting to the point. I'm having to remind myself that I need to have faith and go with the flow, and I'm a Pisces sun😂
That is very cool that you made your way over here via Elsa. She is certainly a force of nature on the interwebs. I love her colloquial no bullshit style--which of course would appeal to your Mars/Aries.
Love Linda Goodman! I still have her books. I think that men lump everything "ology" together, so that if I try to ask someone who has some success, say in rock and roll, his birth time, he's like "oh, youre into scientology." I have to explain and re-explain what astrology is to men. The huge exception to this is I asked Thom Hartmann, and immediately he gave me all the precise data, and then told me he keeps it a secret, so that I should also. He knew that I grew up with Hamid Bey, and trusted me to do so. See, when men believe in astrology, it's a secret.
The “battle of the sexes” can be boiled down to the tendency of men to be competitive whereas women tend to be collaborative. Many shades of grey to be sure - with butch/ femme extremes to be found on both sides of the fence. I’m dipping my toes into astrology after some years studying Tarot and then the underlying Kabbala/ Tree of Life mysteries. I enjoyed geometry as a school kid but getting my head around transits and houses gets me cross-eyed and dizzy- too much male “nuts and bolts” thinking? Go figger for the time being I guess - a dear gal friend and psychedelic guru years ago advised “In the midst of doing comes understanding”. Patience is usually rewarded (eventually 🙄).
As I tell my students, let go of the crypitc feeling about astrology (the glyphs, the houses, the math, the aspects, the this and that) and start viewing the cart as a mandala. Focus on the arrangement of the lights and planets around the wheel and simply contemplate those patterns and forms to start. That will lead your curiosity in a natural direction, like, "I wonder what the upper part of the wheel relates to vs the bottom half? And what about the right side vs the left side." Stuff like that.
And then start reading good books with the notion that when you are ready you'll stick your toe into interpretation. I put together a good list here:
Great advice and list, thanks! (Plus the others referenced in your post) Having recently rejoined the ranks of the ‘unattached’ I think I might seek out an astrology conference or two 😸- Should be quite interesting!
Fun read. My grandmother (1906-1994) had a copy of Sun Signs and that's where I read it when I was a kid and had a very porous mind! And the belly laugh inducing observation from Elsa: :A heterosexual man at an astrology conference is invariably surrounded by women, three deep" doesn't surprise at all. These things are not mysterious at all to us women, but men rarely venture outside the comfort of "knowing what they want and how to go about getting it." I've taken some rides on those fantasy cruises, and am always happy to disembark!
Thanks Barb, for your comment. I'd love to know the percentage of folks that undertook astro studies via Goodman's book. It was such a bellwether of what was to come.
Haha, the first astrologer I went to (a gift from a dear friend) was a dude in Denver, and based on my chart, he assumed I was an astrologer. I disappointed him, and perhaps also myself to some extent...
It's been 4 years that my friend and I have opened our practice, but I must admit that the business has been very slow and we are both about to quit despite our flame and devotion. 80% of our client base is also composed of women and most of the men I am regularly working with have been introduced to astrology by their partner, but still, most are reluctantly joining our calls. They enter our space very skeptical and are rather uncomfortable having to open up to their weaknesses and vulnerabilities. A lot are still stuck in the old gender role when above a certain age and the Pluto Libra generation is just awakening to their core mission of transformation while the following ones seem to be much more comfortable with astrology but either self-medicate or can barely afford a session or still need a few additional growth steps to get there. Walking down that road has been really hard as this was a Chiron return switch and i have lost contact with most of my friends and family. I find it hard to make it a blanket statement since i have Lilith on my midheaven but everytime i have shared in society that i was an astrologer, there has been that awkward silence and rapid switch to the next topic of conversation. Getting attuned to that Lilith vibration is definitely harder for heterosexual men that it is for women and LGBTQ as this is a choice we must make and nothing we feel being innate. There's an element of witchery men need to take ownership of and can be very disturbing on the astrologer side. On the client side, most are heavily formatted by the masculine, rational scientific brain and for them to come to consult, they first need to have experienced its limit, failed in epic fashion and come to grip with a darker and deeper feminine side screaming for integration and balance.
Sorcery. The default description when reality skirts too close to what's considered irrational. Next thing you know, we're in Salem, and the witches are on the run. Oy.
This is fitting observation: "There's an element of witchery men need to take ownership of..." I have a sense that the Zoomers and a lot of the Millennial guys are more open to this prospect, although most of them that I've encountered over the years online are usually gay.
I have to broaden that perspective to the Natural Arts. As a Homeopath and Herbalist the many seminars I've attended over the years were mostly attended by women. Often the teacher was a man but most of the students were women. I was in the 5 to 10 percent bracket. Meanwhile, my sister Annie, became a doctor and we had a conversation one day about exactly that. Most of the seminars I go to are mostly women and she laughed and said, most of the seminars I go to are mostly men.
I think they switched us at birth.. Same with Astrology. I give readings now and then and most of my clients are women. Personally, maybe because of my Pisces nature, it takes me way too many hours to study a chart for someone. My daughters tell me I have to learn how to do it McDonald's style if I'm to make a living with it, but once I engage in my research into someone's chart I find myself merging at the Soul level and it often takes too much of my psychic real estate. I remember in the early days it would take me several hours computing a chart and that process alone gave me a deep dive into a clients chart. In closing, Astrology is a language of Nature, the study of Elements and it dovetails with all of the Natural Healing arts, beginning with Alchemy and the medicines that have spawned from it. It's always been a Patriarchal system that condemns it so no surprise that the feminine has a natural connection to it.
Yes, good point Ron. Anything considered liminal or 'alternative' is met with skepticism.
My friend, the late great David Roell, taught me to read a chart in five minutes. This was more of a novelty approach, but he was big on first impressions and letting those impressions move quickly to connect all the dots in a chart. I plan on doing a post about his approach in the future as I think it will help folks ride lighter in the saddle regarding delineation.
Also, for me at least, to really understand the chart, I have to be in dialogue with the person I am in a session with. It's impossible to derive the chart's core themes without that dialectic.
No question. I am in dialogue with everyone I do a chart on. I am a bodyworker by profession. Not automobiles but human bodies. I do cranio-sacral therapy and also myofascial release work like Rolfing and also I've worked in an Arthritis Clinic under the tutelage of Professor Hoshino where I learned a very refined Shiatsu technique. I have been doing this work for over 50 years and truthfully I'm entering a new plateau of discovery. I have traveled a decade with singer/songwriter John Denver and have worked on numerous celebrities. I mention this because on many occasions when someone is hurting physically and suffers with a little more than acute symptoms, I will inquire about their birthday. Many will fit the category of hard aspects with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto. It gives me an edge to see some of the inner dynamics and in some cases I feel the need to help via doing an Astrology chart. Yes I can also glance at a chart and grasp some of the challenges in just a few minutes, but like Homeopathy, I dig a little deeper for the nuances. And if I'm working with a client with Herbs or Homeopathy I'll discern their date and hour of birth using a Chaldean system to determine their constitutional planets. I have gotten good results in working holistically.
I think that mostly it's because women feel more comfortable talking to another woman about personal things. To be honest I have tried to be fair about it but, some male astrologers that I have known in past have made off color comments to me and tried to get too personal. If they make leacherous comments online publicly and act unprofessionally then I question their integrity. I do know a few male astrologers that have chosen their careers for the right reasons but some just want to prey on vulnerable women. They look at it as a way to find women willing to date them.
Wow, this is a darker perspective that I hadn't considered Juanita. Maybe it's because I'm gay and have a blind spot in place regarding seduction and inappropriate astro sleuthing between the het sexes.
To your point about vulnerability, this is a power dynamic issue that is always in place between the client and astrologer and needs to be balanced and held in check--regardless of sexual orientation.
I just am sharing what I have seen and what women have shared with me regarding certain Astrologers. I prefer dealing with Women and/or Gay male Astrologers when getting other perspectives. As an intuitive Astrologer myself I am very conscious of ethics and professionalism. I have Pluto in Virgo in the first house so I have a penchant for investigation and calling out charlitons. My Libra Moon tries to be fair but, my Cancer Sun loathes those who take advantage of the vulnerable.
I loved Debbie Kempton Smith’s book, she was clever, funny and so right on. Back in the 80’s in a group which included Heather Roan Robbins, unfortunately we had no gay men. We went to Boston to study with Isabel Hickey and had a great local meeting attended by many in Providence. Caroline Casey was around us a bit then too.
Wow, Elizabeth, what a great posse of teachers (and characters) to have circulated with.
I never could jibe with Hickey; some of her interpretations felt too judgmental and harsh. I remember removing her book from my library after I revisited it one day on a whim, too much of it was cringe and I donated the book to the Goodwill. I read, too, where Hickey really fucked with Liz Greene's head--which prompted Liz, a novice at the time, to learn astrology for herself.
Isabel was really intense and very opinionated but she was local so we went. She could be quite abrasive. If I remember correctly she was either Cancer sun Aries moon like me, or the opposite, like Rick Levine. She was nice to me.
Thanks for answering this important question. Seems like women always want to know more and more deeply about everything. The Masculine reaches out and The Feminine reaches down.
Right, the means is different but the end the same: The accrual of knowledge. The glitch is that men tend to 'lord' it over others who are lower down on the rungs.
What a fulfilling read about the asrto past (and present)....and Elsa. Elsa Elsa was the first internet connection, blog I ever followed in Astrology. I feel she is on the phone in her brief articles - with me, relating daily activities or a story about her father, neighbor, weather, this cat or something in the oven to the sky of the day.
Remember she drove a Frito Lay truck and lied about her age to get a job in a bar. And so on.
Anecdotal astrology.
I recentley spoke to her and Frederick Woodruff came up and how we met and I said: Joni Mitchell (among other things)...she said I have a Joni story. I bought Blue back when it came out and put it on and loved it and turned it over to side two and side One played again! She has Blue with side one on both sides, now. She still has it. Of course I said SELL IT! She also said she read your book "Confessions" in her car.
Hi there Frederick, This is funny and I personally never even thought of the breakdown of astrology interested into male or female but I can see it being a pov from a person who deals a broad client base interaction. I recently met and become good friends with who just happens to be female who has the same birthday march 5th . I love pisces people but since I never met someone that has the same actual march 5th b day This just makes it a even cooler friendship for me :)
I propose it’s a matter of aculturization. Boys becoming men are inclined to wanting to know how things work and how to use them. Despite being a potently heterosexual male (Mars conjunct Gemini Sun), I became an exception when exposed to Astrology at 12 years old and wanted to figure it out. I came over decades of immersion that Astrology doesn’t “work”, it mirrors. It provides a framework for synchronistic reference with a rich catalog of experience. It can’t predict what will happen; it corresponds to what happened…or doesn’t. Generally, The biology of the female can accept this; the so ialization of the male generally asks, what good is it? We are still sex role stereotyped.
I transcended it by coming to the contrarian conclusion that it doesn’t have to work (Moon exactly conjunct Mercury in Taurus).
Just take it for what it’s worth, which is quite a lot. A fabulous catalog of experience (Virgo rising) which avails a rich language among those who learn it.
Right, and Elsa would know, the parade of folks she interacted with on her site is staggering.
First, thank you for making me laugh. I love the way you write! I also love Elsa. I found you from something you guys did a few years ago.
I'm finding myself very jacked into my natal Aires Mars... or maybe it's my Aquarius rising, but I'm very direct and no-nonsense and all about getting to the point. I'm having to remind myself that I need to have faith and go with the flow, and I'm a Pisces sun😂
That is very cool that you made your way over here via Elsa. She is certainly a force of nature on the interwebs. I love her colloquial no bullshit style--which of course would appeal to your Mars/Aries.
Love Linda Goodman! I still have her books. I think that men lump everything "ology" together, so that if I try to ask someone who has some success, say in rock and roll, his birth time, he's like "oh, youre into scientology." I have to explain and re-explain what astrology is to men. The huge exception to this is I asked Thom Hartmann, and immediately he gave me all the precise data, and then told me he keeps it a secret, so that I should also. He knew that I grew up with Hamid Bey, and trusted me to do so. See, when men believe in astrology, it's a secret.
That is hysterical Loretta—the “ology” glitch.
And yes, the secret keeping—can’t appear to be irrational around the other dudes.
The “battle of the sexes” can be boiled down to the tendency of men to be competitive whereas women tend to be collaborative. Many shades of grey to be sure - with butch/ femme extremes to be found on both sides of the fence. I’m dipping my toes into astrology after some years studying Tarot and then the underlying Kabbala/ Tree of Life mysteries. I enjoyed geometry as a school kid but getting my head around transits and houses gets me cross-eyed and dizzy- too much male “nuts and bolts” thinking? Go figger for the time being I guess - a dear gal friend and psychedelic guru years ago advised “In the midst of doing comes understanding”. Patience is usually rewarded (eventually 🙄).
As I tell my students, let go of the crypitc feeling about astrology (the glyphs, the houses, the math, the aspects, the this and that) and start viewing the cart as a mandala. Focus on the arrangement of the lights and planets around the wheel and simply contemplate those patterns and forms to start. That will lead your curiosity in a natural direction, like, "I wonder what the upper part of the wheel relates to vs the bottom half? And what about the right side vs the left side." Stuff like that.
And then start reading good books with the notion that when you are ready you'll stick your toe into interpretation. I put together a good list here:
Great advice and list, thanks! (Plus the others referenced in your post) Having recently rejoined the ranks of the ‘unattached’ I think I might seek out an astrology conference or two 😸- Should be quite interesting!
Fun read. My grandmother (1906-1994) had a copy of Sun Signs and that's where I read it when I was a kid and had a very porous mind! And the belly laugh inducing observation from Elsa: :A heterosexual man at an astrology conference is invariably surrounded by women, three deep" doesn't surprise at all. These things are not mysterious at all to us women, but men rarely venture outside the comfort of "knowing what they want and how to go about getting it." I've taken some rides on those fantasy cruises, and am always happy to disembark!
Thanks Barb, for your comment. I'd love to know the percentage of folks that undertook astro studies via Goodman's book. It was such a bellwether of what was to come.
Haha, the first astrologer I went to (a gift from a dear friend) was a dude in Denver, and based on my chart, he assumed I was an astrologer. I disappointed him, and perhaps also myself to some extent...
It's been 4 years that my friend and I have opened our practice, but I must admit that the business has been very slow and we are both about to quit despite our flame and devotion. 80% of our client base is also composed of women and most of the men I am regularly working with have been introduced to astrology by their partner, but still, most are reluctantly joining our calls. They enter our space very skeptical and are rather uncomfortable having to open up to their weaknesses and vulnerabilities. A lot are still stuck in the old gender role when above a certain age and the Pluto Libra generation is just awakening to their core mission of transformation while the following ones seem to be much more comfortable with astrology but either self-medicate or can barely afford a session or still need a few additional growth steps to get there. Walking down that road has been really hard as this was a Chiron return switch and i have lost contact with most of my friends and family. I find it hard to make it a blanket statement since i have Lilith on my midheaven but everytime i have shared in society that i was an astrologer, there has been that awkward silence and rapid switch to the next topic of conversation. Getting attuned to that Lilith vibration is definitely harder for heterosexual men that it is for women and LGBTQ as this is a choice we must make and nothing we feel being innate. There's an element of witchery men need to take ownership of and can be very disturbing on the astrologer side. On the client side, most are heavily formatted by the masculine, rational scientific brain and for them to come to consult, they first need to have experienced its limit, failed in epic fashion and come to grip with a darker and deeper feminine side screaming for integration and balance.
Sorcery. The default description when reality skirts too close to what's considered irrational. Next thing you know, we're in Salem, and the witches are on the run. Oy.
This is fitting observation: "There's an element of witchery men need to take ownership of..." I have a sense that the Zoomers and a lot of the Millennial guys are more open to this prospect, although most of them that I've encountered over the years online are usually gay.
Good luck with you practice Geraud.
And thank you for your fascinating comment.
I have to broaden that perspective to the Natural Arts. As a Homeopath and Herbalist the many seminars I've attended over the years were mostly attended by women. Often the teacher was a man but most of the students were women. I was in the 5 to 10 percent bracket. Meanwhile, my sister Annie, became a doctor and we had a conversation one day about exactly that. Most of the seminars I go to are mostly women and she laughed and said, most of the seminars I go to are mostly men.
I think they switched us at birth.. Same with Astrology. I give readings now and then and most of my clients are women. Personally, maybe because of my Pisces nature, it takes me way too many hours to study a chart for someone. My daughters tell me I have to learn how to do it McDonald's style if I'm to make a living with it, but once I engage in my research into someone's chart I find myself merging at the Soul level and it often takes too much of my psychic real estate. I remember in the early days it would take me several hours computing a chart and that process alone gave me a deep dive into a clients chart. In closing, Astrology is a language of Nature, the study of Elements and it dovetails with all of the Natural Healing arts, beginning with Alchemy and the medicines that have spawned from it. It's always been a Patriarchal system that condemns it so no surprise that the feminine has a natural connection to it.
Yes, good point Ron. Anything considered liminal or 'alternative' is met with skepticism.
My friend, the late great David Roell, taught me to read a chart in five minutes. This was more of a novelty approach, but he was big on first impressions and letting those impressions move quickly to connect all the dots in a chart. I plan on doing a post about his approach in the future as I think it will help folks ride lighter in the saddle regarding delineation.
Also, for me at least, to really understand the chart, I have to be in dialogue with the person I am in a session with. It's impossible to derive the chart's core themes without that dialectic.
No question. I am in dialogue with everyone I do a chart on. I am a bodyworker by profession. Not automobiles but human bodies. I do cranio-sacral therapy and also myofascial release work like Rolfing and also I've worked in an Arthritis Clinic under the tutelage of Professor Hoshino where I learned a very refined Shiatsu technique. I have been doing this work for over 50 years and truthfully I'm entering a new plateau of discovery. I have traveled a decade with singer/songwriter John Denver and have worked on numerous celebrities. I mention this because on many occasions when someone is hurting physically and suffers with a little more than acute symptoms, I will inquire about their birthday. Many will fit the category of hard aspects with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto. It gives me an edge to see some of the inner dynamics and in some cases I feel the need to help via doing an Astrology chart. Yes I can also glance at a chart and grasp some of the challenges in just a few minutes, but like Homeopathy, I dig a little deeper for the nuances. And if I'm working with a client with Herbs or Homeopathy I'll discern their date and hour of birth using a Chaldean system to determine their constitutional planets. I have gotten good results in working holistically.
I think that mostly it's because women feel more comfortable talking to another woman about personal things. To be honest I have tried to be fair about it but, some male astrologers that I have known in past have made off color comments to me and tried to get too personal. If they make leacherous comments online publicly and act unprofessionally then I question their integrity. I do know a few male astrologers that have chosen their careers for the right reasons but some just want to prey on vulnerable women. They look at it as a way to find women willing to date them.
Wow, this is a darker perspective that I hadn't considered Juanita. Maybe it's because I'm gay and have a blind spot in place regarding seduction and inappropriate astro sleuthing between the het sexes.
To your point about vulnerability, this is a power dynamic issue that is always in place between the client and astrologer and needs to be balanced and held in check--regardless of sexual orientation.
I just am sharing what I have seen and what women have shared with me regarding certain Astrologers. I prefer dealing with Women and/or Gay male Astrologers when getting other perspectives. As an intuitive Astrologer myself I am very conscious of ethics and professionalism. I have Pluto in Virgo in the first house so I have a penchant for investigation and calling out charlitons. My Libra Moon tries to be fair but, my Cancer Sun loathes those who take advantage of the vulnerable.
As a fellow Cancer I can relate to the sensitivity towards taking advantage of the vulnerable.
I loved Debbie Kempton Smith’s book, she was clever, funny and so right on. Back in the 80’s in a group which included Heather Roan Robbins, unfortunately we had no gay men. We went to Boston to study with Isabel Hickey and had a great local meeting attended by many in Providence. Caroline Casey was around us a bit then too.
Wow, Elizabeth, what a great posse of teachers (and characters) to have circulated with.
I never could jibe with Hickey; some of her interpretations felt too judgmental and harsh. I remember removing her book from my library after I revisited it one day on a whim, too much of it was cringe and I donated the book to the Goodwill. I read, too, where Hickey really fucked with Liz Greene's head--which prompted Liz, a novice at the time, to learn astrology for herself.
Isabel was really intense and very opinionated but she was local so we went. She could be quite abrasive. If I remember correctly she was either Cancer sun Aries moon like me, or the opposite, like Rick Levine. She was nice to me.
I stay in touch with Heather still.
Thanks for answering this important question. Seems like women always want to know more and more deeply about everything. The Masculine reaches out and The Feminine reaches down.
Right, the means is different but the end the same: The accrual of knowledge. The glitch is that men tend to 'lord' it over others who are lower down on the rungs.
What a fulfilling read about the asrto past (and present)....and Elsa. Elsa Elsa was the first internet connection, blog I ever followed in Astrology. I feel she is on the phone in her brief articles - with me, relating daily activities or a story about her father, neighbor, weather, this cat or something in the oven to the sky of the day.
Remember she drove a Frito Lay truck and lied about her age to get a job in a bar. And so on.
Anecdotal astrology.
I recentley spoke to her and Frederick Woodruff came up and how we met and I said: Joni Mitchell (among other things)...she said I have a Joni story. I bought Blue back when it came out and put it on and loved it and turned it over to side two and side One played again! She has Blue with side one on both sides, now. She still has it. Of course I said SELL IT! She also said she read your book "Confessions" in her car.
She is the Mark Twain of astrology.
"Stay on the Boat" she says.
That is wild that you connect with Elsa on the phone. I love it. And of course JONI as the link.
Hi there Frederick, This is funny and I personally never even thought of the breakdown of astrology interested into male or female but I can see it being a pov from a person who deals a broad client base interaction. I recently met and become good friends with who just happens to be female who has the same birthday march 5th . I love pisces people but since I never met someone that has the same actual march 5th b day This just makes it a even cooler friendship for me :)
I propose it’s a matter of aculturization. Boys becoming men are inclined to wanting to know how things work and how to use them. Despite being a potently heterosexual male (Mars conjunct Gemini Sun), I became an exception when exposed to Astrology at 12 years old and wanted to figure it out. I came over decades of immersion that Astrology doesn’t “work”, it mirrors. It provides a framework for synchronistic reference with a rich catalog of experience. It can’t predict what will happen; it corresponds to what happened…or doesn’t. Generally, The biology of the female can accept this; the so ialization of the male generally asks, what good is it? We are still sex role stereotyped.
I transcended it by coming to the contrarian conclusion that it doesn’t have to work (Moon exactly conjunct Mercury in Taurus).
Just take it for what it’s worth, which is quite a lot. A fabulous catalog of experience (Virgo rising) which avails a rich language among those who learn it.