Feel free to delete this post. (How did it feel?) Too many online writers are publishing stuff and telling everyone what they think about this or that. Time for a break. Let me hear from you.
Saturn entered my natal placement in Pisces 3 days after my daughter was born. My birthday is May 12 -- which is also my mothers birthday and her natal saturn placement in Pisces. I was born at her saturn return. This feels like a generational transit of mother/daughter transit connections. How would you interpret this? What would you do with this because my Pisces in saturn feels both thin and dense. Thank you 🧡
'Thin and dense' is an eloquent Sat/Pisces description. I love it.
The chain of maternal Saturn returns is intriguing.
In some ways, it's like the world is showing you the essence of Saturn in Pisces, which can sometimes be like, "I won't believe it until I can see it." Or "I won't imagine it because it couldn't possibly be true."
There is often this powerful alchemy of form and formlessness coming together with Sat/Pisces, but felt in a literal way. And then what could be more literal than the appearance of a new form (Saturn) from the cauldron of the 'void' (Pisces) as is attendant the birth of a child?
What did your mom say about your birth and how that impacted her life at the time? If she is still alive that would be a golden conversation to have.
“I won't believe it until I can see it." Or "I won't imagine it because it couldn't possibly be true." Is quite true about pregnancy because it’s mostly a mystery and the outcomes aren’t guaranteed but real wether or not anyone but mom experiences it.
My mother would say different things based on who is listening. She mostly talks about how hard I was as a baby but I suspect she just didn’t know how to be a mom and was mostly overwhelmed having not intended to be pregnant at all. Our relationship is not good.
So, another thing about Saturn (boundaries) in PIsces (no boundaries) is the learning about and wisdom *of* boundaries. IOW, your mom's Saturn return baby, and your Saturn return baby, are two distinctly different events. See my point?
Well, there's a difference between Pluto entering Aquarius (where it's about to EXIT via retrograde and return to Capricorn in mid-June) and Pluto entering Aquarius and conjuncting your Sun sign. What degree is your Sun in Aquarius?
Well, you have some wiggle room. Pluto won't conjunct your Sun until February 2032 (hello!).
Still, once Pluto enters the sign of our Sun, there is a shift in tenor that is undeniable. As a harbinger of the 'mortality principle,' one can feel pressured to get on with their Sun sign's expression. No more stalling or equivocating what one wishes to accomplish, a drive that originates deep in the heart (Sun).
And accomplishment might mean doing nothing. I'm not using the term as it's employed in a culture obsessed with results, fame, achievement, etc.
You might decide to 'check out' and contemplate the silence and the deeper mysteries of life (both Plutonic themes.) Consider folks like Eckhart Tolle and Ramana Maharshi, who simply set down on a park bench (or laid on a couch) and let reality reveal its secrets to them through stillness, over the years.
So one possible answer to your question, re Pluto and the Sun would be: what resides in your heart that unnerves or frightens you?
Whatever that content is it must be actualized, confronted, and embraced with Pluto's transit over your Sun. The Sun radiates light, it must express and illuminate. Pluto doubles up that calling.
This is wonderful. Thank you for the opportunity to ask you about a transit that feels impossible to track or pin down. Saturn is transiting Jupiter in Pisces in my chart, and it feels like I've become stranded on an island (Jupiter is in my 4th house). This is showing up primarily in my relationship with friends, we don't seem to resonate in the same way with each other. Again, thank you Frederick.
Given that Jupiter is the 'ruler' or keynote planet of your chart (you have a Sagittarius ascendant, with Pisces at the nadir) I get that Saturn would feel like a leaden mass pulling you down into what's usually a wellspring of good vibes (Jupiter Pisces 4th).
Jupiter usually dislikes Saturn's pragmatic version of truth telling. Which can be a downer.
It sounds as though this has disrupted your friendships with others--a way of relating that might have become lopsided, heretofore (too positive, too upbeat, too much in accordance and agreement, when really relationships like that don't really exist. Meaning, there's always shadow shit between people, because we aren't angels).
So it seems like the Saturn transit is welcoming this in for you. I'd suggest that you make an agreement with others to allow for non-copacetic exchanges. Jupiter in Pisces prefers boundless and boundary-less relations, where everyone and everything is merged into a ball of bliss. Saturn says there needs to be truth in the mix to keep everything real and nourishing, for the moment and for future (Jupiter) growth.
Aloha Frederick, And hello Jem, my birthday is May 11 and it looks like Uranus will be dancing around my natal Sun, I'm expecting some excitement, but would love to hear what you have to say. Thank you so much!!
my apologies. I would say the context is finally getting past my insecurities and publishing this novel that has been brewing for the last five years. It's about stepping out of the studio onto the "stage" of being a published author and all the hopes and dread that goes with it.
No need to apologize Rachel, I just didn't want to elaborate on something too general.
The thing about Uranus and the Sun is that Uranus's ideals of perfection (the Promethean vision) is at odds with the Sun's desire to express cohesion and to harmonize all of the elements that comprise the birth chart, which the Sun is of course the center of -- the heart of the mandala.
So Uranus coming onto your Sun brings these two elements together (the dream of perfection -- Uranus -- and the Sun, the need to shine and connect by harmonizing.)
But the Sun isn't interested in perfection, and Uranus wants its radical vision enacted at all costs, even to the point of driving someone mad.
Someone's Sun can take a real beating during this transit, especially if, like you, there is a creative project involved.
I suggest you assume the mantra of: 'good is good enough; perfect is impossible'. This is most likely the only way through this puzzle.
Of course the upshot of the Uranus transit will be that you no longer recognize yourself after the transit is complete (and for a Leo Moon person this can be thrilling, as it's a whole new 'you' [character] to display on the stage of life).
Thank you! That's exactly the attitude I'm taking. I'm tired of revising and listening to critiques and trying to make it perfect. I love this book and these characters and there are three more books in the series. I got lots to do!!
I have Mars at 1 Scorpio close to the second house.
So Pluto is squaring it for essentially the next 3 years from the cusp of the 5th.
I would like to believe that something too intense won’t happen… trying to go slow and pay attention. Any insight from you would be greatly appreciated.
I need context to work with, not just the garden variety transit placement. So -- what's happening, what are you sensing, what is unfolding around you, etc. etc. ?
Walked into a tree . Knocked me to the ground. I am ok and I of course was distracted at the time. Lesson learned I hope.
My partner of many years has rheumatoid arthritis and her life has been altered . I have been helpful and it’s also somewhat confining in terms of taking care of the dogs and life in general. We are getting older . I am also grateful that I live comfortably in many ways.
From other things I’ve read it says that I might go through something deeply unpleasant and of course be a better human after getting through whatever awaits. I do feel more fearful of whatever that is.
This sounds like the recounting of a fairy tale -- walking into a tree and being knocked to the ground.
Pluto of course first appears from down beneath the earth, and then like Persephone, takes us under. So your walking and journeying (Mars) is being informed by the Plutonic now. Great! This transit is like a mega-vitamin for your Martian expression, which, as you're learning via your partner has a lot to do with healing and assisting those who are compromised. So the energy will be there for you to accomplish this.
Because I read charts and chart events as I would a dream, I see this as something other than a scolding of 'you need to pay attention' etc. I mean, who doesn't need to pay attention?
When we're knocked down on our ass, our *core* is even closer to the earth than when we're on our feet. Martian power comes from our core, our hara, the Pluto transit seems to want you to align more with this part of your locomotive (Mars) nature. To understand will power more and its ability to not only propel you, but also aid in the care and love of those we protect (also a Martian function).
And stop reading poorly written garden variety astro nonsense/forecasts on the internet. 90% of it is shit.
I've currently got Neptune Square my AC and opposite my Saturn. Yes that means I have Saturn sq the AC natally. I'm pretty Neptunian anyway. Any thoughts on this. I've been feeling so tired lately. I'm editing a novel too an my decision making isn't great 😂
OK, so there's tiredness and lack of focus, it sounds like you're making literal the transit from what you already know about it (a common problem for astro-minded folks)
But what's going on more with the Neptunian strata (the dreams, ideals, visions, delusions, etc). That's what I think Saturn would be putting in high-detail. Tiredness could just be a symptomatic reluctance to face down fantasies or un-realities (Neptune) that aren't aiding in your larger worldly aims (Saturn). See what I mean? But say more.
I probably doing the literal thing for sure. Neptune is in my 12h Placidus, 1h whole. I'm being focused in some ways, pretty diligent with daily effort etc I'm trying to tame the shapeshifting tendancy I have.
I've been dreaming a lot but couldn't explain what about as I've not been remembering them. The more often I sit down and write, the more often it feels like it's pouring out of me, in a good way.
With natal Neptune in such a liminal space, let’s just say it is ascendant-ish, and the pressure being placed on it from the ongoing Saturn/Neptune conflation — the need to Saturnize your flow seems to be a central theme.
Tiredness is very Saturnine, but sometimes relates to resistance. And resistance can actually be an attempt to, with force, forge a conduit that’s more conscious (unlike the dreaming that’s happening but not recalled), once in place the tiredness falls away.
If you haven’t read it already, I recommend Matt’s PDF that I highlighted the other day. He has a natal Sat/Nep opp, so, as a writer, he was made breakthroughs related to this conscious conduit theme.
Ah that's useful. Idownloaded it and started reading at the weekend, will go back to it ASAP. Thanks. Its funny how we often "meet" virtually or IRL, people who empitomise a transit or something we need to work on in ourselves, just when we need it.
Next week’s Jupiter conjunct my 29 degree Venus in Aries in the 11th following the Sun’s conjunction during Fridays eclipse while the Venus was conjunct my Sun. Stirring up a lot!
Hi Susan -- this is too much of a mishmash to wade through. And with lights or planets that are quick-moving, in other words momentary moods and vibes. What is persisting? As I noted in this post, I need context. What's happening, what are you sensing, seeing happening around you, dreaming about, afraid of, or whatever?
So Venus being squared by Pluto by retrograde (currently). Pluto will often set off the taboo elements of the planet it is transiting, so I'd recommend that you do some excavation (or as you put it 'stirring up a lot') with themes related to the need for contact and what relationships fulfill related to your values (Venus).
We often confirm what we value most through the types of relationships we are pulled into; the duet becomes like an act in a play where the characters discover new truths about each other.
What does Venus in Aries want and value most? Usually there's a Joan of Arc theme with this Venus, and the Pluto square could set her off on a fierce campaign. Being at the 29th degree ups the intensity factor exponentially. What is Venus longing for? What does she wish to share? Pluto, for those willing to chance it, can compel activity that is both redemptive and revolutionary, within the realm of the heart.
Have Saturn Opposing my Natal Venus in Virgo for...the next forever. First exact May 14th. Any suggestions on how not to go complete hermit or self-destruct? How to not exacerbate my natal virgoan relationship resistance and nitpicking and hesitation and joyless workhorse mentality?
Well, I'd say put the notion of relationships back on the table, as Saturn opposing any planet by transit is sort of 'demanding' in a 'way of the world way' that relationships are conjured or happening (otherwise how will you metabolize the tranist?) That you put 'hermit' and 'self-destruct' in the same sentence is a clue about the transit's alchemy. Hermit=Venus/Virgo. Self-destruct=Saturn (self) in Pisces (destruct or you could say 'dissolved'). See what I mean?
When you read the above, what happens? What do you flash on or feel?
Yup this all makes sense. Felt an immediate foreboding/subsequent self-admonishment for this feeling upon considering the prospect of re-entering “the fray.” Realized I have spent the entire second half of years since Saturn conjoined my Venus in a state of perpetual singledom and…ugh. Must I?! 😂
I love this offering. Thank you! My Venus is 0 Aquarius, and so...PLUTO! It's at the very very end of the 8th House if you use Placidus and in the 9th House via Porphyry or Whole Sign Houses. (Saturn is in the 10th, and Uranus in the 4th...with Venus disposited by the Moon, in Taurus, in the 12th...sorry if TMI). As you may imagine, my relationship to money (notably how to make it, but also how I spend and care for it) are up for deep review and excavation. Any insights on the subject would be greatly welcome. (And if you need more context, let me know). xoxo
The great thing about writing out these queries, especially if one is versed in astrology, is that you're able to strip the first layer of the question away. Sort of like the first attempt an artist makes on the canvas -- usually that first effort's aftereffect is sacrificed when she really starts to engage with the painting.
So how wiling are you to take on the hidden dimensions of Venus (and such a potent one, sitting at zero degrees)? I mention hidden, as that's what Pluto often highlights in the arrangement/transit.
Regardless of 'her' sign, Pluto by aspect or transit tends to put in detail the madonna/whore dichotomy of Venus. So if the virginal side has been operative for long stretches in your life, the Pluto conjunct would want to bring out the more taboo side of Venus.
If Venus is an active element related to your vocation and cash flow, I wonder what it would be like to incorporate darker or more subversive elements into the mix. I'm not sure exactly what those would be or how they'd show up, put when you read that just now what came to mind, or what did you see or imagine? What did it possibly ignite in the imagination?
Pluto into Aquarius involves technology and death in a unique way, and we will be seeing more and more of this for the next 20 years. What would you bring to this theme with your skill sets?
My natal MC is 4º Pisces and my natal Uranus is 4ºVirgo. Transiting Saturn has recently completed the first of three conjunctions with my MC and oppositions to my Uranus. Natally, I have an Aquarius Sun (2º) and also Saturn in Aquarius (12º), both in the 9th House.
The Life context:
I am a lifelong musician. My bread and butter is teaching private music lessons in my home studio, mostly kids and teenagers after school, as well as doing local gigs with various bands. I love teaching and I love gigging if the style of music is right.
This year so far, my student numbers are down significantly below where I would like them. This is the first time this has ever happened. I have never advertised, always relying on word of mouth (I live in a country town of about 25,000 people). Also this year, many more gigs than usual have been coming my way but they have mainly been with bands doing rock and pop covers and this is not my scene musically...
So, I'm feeling the pinch financially (still paying a mortgage on the house) as the student numbers decline and I turn down the gigs that I know I would not enjoy. Some people might advise me to take the gigs anyway but really I'm over doing gigs with repertoire that doesn't turn me on.
If you study Grant Lewi's approach to Saturn, you'll note that he reads transiting Saturn at the MH as a fruition phase-- of all of one's efforts, studies and applications through life. You could see this as Saturn having moved around the chart as a 'schooling' process within each of the proceeding 11 houses. And now you're ready to show the world the goods. You can track this for yourself, perhaps by journaling what the past 28 years have taught you and what you've mastered (Saturn). Are you missing some skill sets that you've acquired that you could start to push forward more now?
The wild card in your natal chart is the opposition from Uranus at the nadir. Cutting to the chase I will say that there are attributes, talents, insights, ways of creative expression, related to your father that you might consider bringing to the fore at this time in your life.
When Saturn transits another planet (or an angle like the nadir), it sort of taps that planet or point on the shoulder and says, "OK, you need to actualize and materialize these qualities in the world now." The nadir is about origin and legacy. Again, journal on this theme and see what comes of the inquiry.
I can't really tell you (or anyone else) what to do re choices.
When I've needed money in the past, I will lower my rates for astrology sessions and acquire more clients, as I too have a mortgage, although there are periods in my life when the last thing I want to be doing are astrology sessions. As a Cancer my moods and vibes shift like the tides, but I've learned to discipline and step up when the material world comes calling. But that's just me.
Let me know how it all plays out (no pun intended).
How about Uranus tramping on my chart ruler, Mercury 18 Taurus square Pluto 15 Leo? and all the crazy Scorpio/Taurus from the 12/6 continuum? I will tell you, it is a blast. Pluto is my fave. Moon/Pluto feeds my soul - energizing... "I love the smell of burning feathers in the morning!" Can't stop writing! And thinking. Forget about it! That too. I love this idea.... You are too smart!
Your query is a bit like a rogue koan that resolves itself in the final sentence: "You are too smart."
If you're saying that to me, well, ok, thanks.
But if you're saying that to yourself, what's the closing insight about exactly (as related to your query?) Now I feel like I'm addressing you in the same spirit that you wrote your comment. LOL! It's all uber-Uranian.
Fixed sign quandaries (squares) are the astro gifts that keep on giving. As annoying and immovable as they feel, they are the ballast and fuel that keep that chart grounded and spinning simultaneously (says the astrologer with Saturn in Scorpio exactly squared to Pluto in Leo -- S.O.S. [Consider the novel I'm presently writing as a way of visualizing that square.])
Say more about what you're asking me here, and then I'll see what pops out of the jack-in-the-box.
Ok, you are right. My query was not so questioning as commenting. I love talking to you! This was a good excuse to do so. In the spirit of sharing...
How do you see Transit Uranus conjoining Mercury in Taurus in the 12th? Also, it's my chart ruler, so I identify with it, Bigly. ( I call it the youth riding a cow who is walking on the bottom of the ocean) How does Uranus effect The Trickster, in your world?
You've probably heard that thing about Uranus being the higher octave of Mercury, and there seems to be some resonance to this notion. So with both of them doubling up their juju this ought to be wonderful time for a type of communication that's akin to channeling, automatic writing, or more conventionally sharing content through writing or film or photography (all 12th house themes) that has a radical impact (Uranus) on the culture.
It's like your Mercury is being tapped by the transit to play out the Promethean drama of bringing fire to the dimwits down below. Of course in that myth Prometheus paid a price for his shattering of the boundaries between mortal and immortal, (and that plays very much into the 12th house theme.) A sort of damned if you do, and damned if you don't express what demands to be expressed, so you might as well get on with it and not put a kink (via worry, equivocating, etc.) into the 'flow.'
I love the image of the youth riding a cow at the bottom of the ocean. That could be turned into a children's story. For real!
Uranus or Pluto transit? Perfectionistic creativity (birth?) or Death? You said one transit, not two, so I'll let your dreamwork decide which to address here. Perhaps a session with you would help clarify. I checked my notes, our first session was 5/16/12!
Pluto triggering my fixed T- Square, conjunct natal Aquarius South Node & Saturn, square natal Mercury in Scorpio, & opposing natal Leo North Node. Eventually it'll oppose my Scorpio Sun Neptune conjunction in the 5th. Death a big theme in my life now, my ex recently diagnosed with terminal cancer, his Sun 3 Scorpio.
Uranus opposed my natal Scorpio Sun Neptune conjunction last year. It'll station retrograde exactly opposing my retrograde Venus in Scorpio & squaring my Aquarius Moon in August. Saturn also opposing my natal Uranus at 4 Virgo. I'm musically illiterate but taught myself how to DJ 7 years ago. I've done a series of mixes on Mixcloud & SoundCloud called Zodiac Signs. https://www.mixcloud.com/skyecatcher/
Despite the fact my musical tastes are eclectic, programming & mixing have been easy for me. The last few have not been. Is it the Uranus in Virgo 3rd house perfectionism? It's driven me nearly insane. I've also been experiencing, on and off, the sensation of trapped, intense energy in my upper body, especially my arms, which makes me feel nervous/anxious.
Thank you for this Frederick, any insight would be appreciated.
The most concise take on the upcoming Pluto square to the Sun/Nep conjunction relates to the dispelling of illusion (Neptune) but in a visceral, undeniable, and to-the-core (Sun) manner.
Because death is kept at a distance from consciousness due to the edicts of our survival drive (even though we tell ourselves that we are aware of our impending death, etc. and no blame, we all do it); death rarely is registered in a literal, depth-changing away until the forces represented by Pluto hit pay dirt, as in a transit to our Sun.
When Pluto opposed my Sun recently, death moved into my home (Cancer) and set up shop where I experienced it through constant observation, literally, day after day.
One of the key puzzles about Sun Neptune is the dilemma that haunts most spiritual works or methods or practices -- namely, the Plutonic aspect of horror is kept far away from the 'higher realms' through splitting or subjugation.
Viewed through another lens, horror is nothing more than the ego's reaction to reaching the boundaries of its egg-like encasement of presence.
As a Scorpio, the realm of horror is part and parcel of the sign's 'function,' so this should be easier to metabolize than, say, someone with a Leo or Taurus Sun/Neptune conflation.
Find a way to bring more of the Scorpio darkness and weirdness into your self-expression. Release apprehensions about letting your inner bitch roam freely; if you don't, Pluto will unleash her anyway, and then there might be a need for more damage control than necessary.
Email me at the end of the month to set up a check-in session.
Loving your book, “Confessions....” And your Substack, thank you.
Struggling to get back on the horse editing my second novel. Wondering if I should abandon this dream or persist. And if persisting is the way for me, how can I rekindle my passion. I'm tited, worn down and lack luster.
Birthday: 5 March, 1970, Johannesburg South Africa. Time unknown.
Thank you Desiree. I think I should have titled my book 'Confessions of', as everyone refers to it that way 😆 it's titled 'Secrets of' ...
I'm working off singular transits in one's birth chart at this moment in time, in this thread, not taking on their entire birth chart -- which would require a full session to accommodate.
Saturn entered my natal placement in Pisces 3 days after my daughter was born. My birthday is May 12 -- which is also my mothers birthday and her natal saturn placement in Pisces. I was born at her saturn return. This feels like a generational transit of mother/daughter transit connections. How would you interpret this? What would you do with this because my Pisces in saturn feels both thin and dense. Thank you 🧡
Hi Jem
'Thin and dense' is an eloquent Sat/Pisces description. I love it.
The chain of maternal Saturn returns is intriguing.
In some ways, it's like the world is showing you the essence of Saturn in Pisces, which can sometimes be like, "I won't believe it until I can see it." Or "I won't imagine it because it couldn't possibly be true."
There is often this powerful alchemy of form and formlessness coming together with Sat/Pisces, but felt in a literal way. And then what could be more literal than the appearance of a new form (Saturn) from the cauldron of the 'void' (Pisces) as is attendant the birth of a child?
What did your mom say about your birth and how that impacted her life at the time? If she is still alive that would be a golden conversation to have.
Thank you 😊
“I won't believe it until I can see it." Or "I won't imagine it because it couldn't possibly be true." Is quite true about pregnancy because it’s mostly a mystery and the outcomes aren’t guaranteed but real wether or not anyone but mom experiences it.
My mother would say different things based on who is listening. She mostly talks about how hard I was as a baby but I suspect she just didn’t know how to be a mom and was mostly overwhelmed having not intended to be pregnant at all. Our relationship is not good.
So, another thing about Saturn (boundaries) in PIsces (no boundaries) is the learning about and wisdom *of* boundaries. IOW, your mom's Saturn return baby, and your Saturn return baby, are two distinctly different events. See my point?
As an Aquarian what can I expect with Pluto the Mfer? Thank you.
Hi Robert
Well, there's a difference between Pluto entering Aquarius (where it's about to EXIT via retrograde and return to Capricorn in mid-June) and Pluto entering Aquarius and conjuncting your Sun sign. What degree is your Sun in Aquarius?
Have to look up
14 degrees 27 ‘
Well, you have some wiggle room. Pluto won't conjunct your Sun until February 2032 (hello!).
Still, once Pluto enters the sign of our Sun, there is a shift in tenor that is undeniable. As a harbinger of the 'mortality principle,' one can feel pressured to get on with their Sun sign's expression. No more stalling or equivocating what one wishes to accomplish, a drive that originates deep in the heart (Sun).
And accomplishment might mean doing nothing. I'm not using the term as it's employed in a culture obsessed with results, fame, achievement, etc.
You might decide to 'check out' and contemplate the silence and the deeper mysteries of life (both Plutonic themes.) Consider folks like Eckhart Tolle and Ramana Maharshi, who simply set down on a park bench (or laid on a couch) and let reality reveal its secrets to them through stillness, over the years.
So one possible answer to your question, re Pluto and the Sun would be: what resides in your heart that unnerves or frightens you?
Whatever that content is it must be actualized, confronted, and embraced with Pluto's transit over your Sun. The Sun radiates light, it must express and illuminate. Pluto doubles up that calling.
Thank you. I vacillate between the contemplative and still achieving.
This is wonderful. Thank you for the opportunity to ask you about a transit that feels impossible to track or pin down. Saturn is transiting Jupiter in Pisces in my chart, and it feels like I've become stranded on an island (Jupiter is in my 4th house). This is showing up primarily in my relationship with friends, we don't seem to resonate in the same way with each other. Again, thank you Frederick.
Given that Jupiter is the 'ruler' or keynote planet of your chart (you have a Sagittarius ascendant, with Pisces at the nadir) I get that Saturn would feel like a leaden mass pulling you down into what's usually a wellspring of good vibes (Jupiter Pisces 4th).
Jupiter usually dislikes Saturn's pragmatic version of truth telling. Which can be a downer.
It sounds as though this has disrupted your friendships with others--a way of relating that might have become lopsided, heretofore (too positive, too upbeat, too much in accordance and agreement, when really relationships like that don't really exist. Meaning, there's always shadow shit between people, because we aren't angels).
So it seems like the Saturn transit is welcoming this in for you. I'd suggest that you make an agreement with others to allow for non-copacetic exchanges. Jupiter in Pisces prefers boundless and boundary-less relations, where everyone and everything is merged into a ball of bliss. Saturn says there needs to be truth in the mix to keep everything real and nourishing, for the moment and for future (Jupiter) growth.
Aloha Frederick, And hello Jem, my birthday is May 11 and it looks like Uranus will be dancing around my natal Sun, I'm expecting some excitement, but would love to hear what you have to say. Thank you so much!!
As I say in the post, I'd need *context*, otherwise my response will read like a cookie cutter take on Sun/Uranus.
my apologies. I would say the context is finally getting past my insecurities and publishing this novel that has been brewing for the last five years. It's about stepping out of the studio onto the "stage" of being a published author and all the hopes and dread that goes with it.
No need to apologize Rachel, I just didn't want to elaborate on something too general.
The thing about Uranus and the Sun is that Uranus's ideals of perfection (the Promethean vision) is at odds with the Sun's desire to express cohesion and to harmonize all of the elements that comprise the birth chart, which the Sun is of course the center of -- the heart of the mandala.
So Uranus coming onto your Sun brings these two elements together (the dream of perfection -- Uranus -- and the Sun, the need to shine and connect by harmonizing.)
But the Sun isn't interested in perfection, and Uranus wants its radical vision enacted at all costs, even to the point of driving someone mad.
Someone's Sun can take a real beating during this transit, especially if, like you, there is a creative project involved.
I suggest you assume the mantra of: 'good is good enough; perfect is impossible'. This is most likely the only way through this puzzle.
Of course the upshot of the Uranus transit will be that you no longer recognize yourself after the transit is complete (and for a Leo Moon person this can be thrilling, as it's a whole new 'you' [character] to display on the stage of life).
So, fuck Uranus -- and publish your book.
Thank you! That's exactly the attitude I'm taking. I'm tired of revising and listening to critiques and trying to make it perfect. I love this book and these characters and there are three more books in the series. I got lots to do!!
Go, girl!
Good luck Rachel. It's sounds like you're ready even if you're having wobbly moments.
I have Mars at 1 Scorpio close to the second house.
So Pluto is squaring it for essentially the next 3 years from the cusp of the 5th.
I would like to believe that something too intense won’t happen… trying to go slow and pay attention. Any insight from you would be greatly appreciated.
I need context to work with, not just the garden variety transit placement. So -- what's happening, what are you sensing, what is unfolding around you, etc. etc. ?
I hit my head badly on a walk a few days ago
Walked into a tree . Knocked me to the ground. I am ok and I of course was distracted at the time. Lesson learned I hope.
My partner of many years has rheumatoid arthritis and her life has been altered . I have been helpful and it’s also somewhat confining in terms of taking care of the dogs and life in general. We are getting older . I am also grateful that I live comfortably in many ways.
From other things I’ve read it says that I might go through something deeply unpleasant and of course be a better human after getting through whatever awaits. I do feel more fearful of whatever that is.
This sounds like the recounting of a fairy tale -- walking into a tree and being knocked to the ground.
Pluto of course first appears from down beneath the earth, and then like Persephone, takes us under. So your walking and journeying (Mars) is being informed by the Plutonic now. Great! This transit is like a mega-vitamin for your Martian expression, which, as you're learning via your partner has a lot to do with healing and assisting those who are compromised. So the energy will be there for you to accomplish this.
Because I read charts and chart events as I would a dream, I see this as something other than a scolding of 'you need to pay attention' etc. I mean, who doesn't need to pay attention?
When we're knocked down on our ass, our *core* is even closer to the earth than when we're on our feet. Martian power comes from our core, our hara, the Pluto transit seems to want you to align more with this part of your locomotive (Mars) nature. To understand will power more and its ability to not only propel you, but also aid in the care and love of those we protect (also a Martian function).
And stop reading poorly written garden variety astro nonsense/forecasts on the internet. 90% of it is shit.
Thank you!
You have exceptional wisdom and insight.
This I know
🥴 Thanks Drey. Appreciate your confidence.
So helpful!
I've currently got Neptune Square my AC and opposite my Saturn. Yes that means I have Saturn sq the AC natally. I'm pretty Neptunian anyway. Any thoughts on this. I've been feeling so tired lately. I'm editing a novel too an my decision making isn't great 😂
OK, so there's tiredness and lack of focus, it sounds like you're making literal the transit from what you already know about it (a common problem for astro-minded folks)
But what's going on more with the Neptunian strata (the dreams, ideals, visions, delusions, etc). That's what I think Saturn would be putting in high-detail. Tiredness could just be a symptomatic reluctance to face down fantasies or un-realities (Neptune) that aren't aiding in your larger worldly aims (Saturn). See what I mean? But say more.
I probably doing the literal thing for sure. Neptune is in my 12h Placidus, 1h whole. I'm being focused in some ways, pretty diligent with daily effort etc I'm trying to tame the shapeshifting tendancy I have.
I've been dreaming a lot but couldn't explain what about as I've not been remembering them. The more often I sit down and write, the more often it feels like it's pouring out of me, in a good way.
With natal Neptune in such a liminal space, let’s just say it is ascendant-ish, and the pressure being placed on it from the ongoing Saturn/Neptune conflation — the need to Saturnize your flow seems to be a central theme.
Tiredness is very Saturnine, but sometimes relates to resistance. And resistance can actually be an attempt to, with force, forge a conduit that’s more conscious (unlike the dreaming that’s happening but not recalled), once in place the tiredness falls away.
If you haven’t read it already, I recommend Matt’s PDF that I highlighted the other day. He has a natal Sat/Nep opp, so, as a writer, he was made breakthroughs related to this conscious conduit theme.
Again, it’s here:
Ah that's useful. Idownloaded it and started reading at the weekend, will go back to it ASAP. Thanks. Its funny how we often "meet" virtually or IRL, people who empitomise a transit or something we need to work on in ourselves, just when we need it.
Hi Frederick
Next week’s Jupiter conjunct my 29 degree Venus in Aries in the 11th following the Sun’s conjunction during Fridays eclipse while the Venus was conjunct my Sun. Stirring up a lot!
Hi Susan -- this is too much of a mishmash to wade through. And with lights or planets that are quick-moving, in other words momentary moods and vibes. What is persisting? As I noted in this post, I need context. What's happening, what are you sensing, seeing happening around you, dreaming about, afraid of, or whatever?
Ok. Venus is lit up of course bc Pluto is also squaring her for awhile. Been a content single for a long time and that is up for review
So Venus being squared by Pluto by retrograde (currently). Pluto will often set off the taboo elements of the planet it is transiting, so I'd recommend that you do some excavation (or as you put it 'stirring up a lot') with themes related to the need for contact and what relationships fulfill related to your values (Venus).
We often confirm what we value most through the types of relationships we are pulled into; the duet becomes like an act in a play where the characters discover new truths about each other.
What does Venus in Aries want and value most? Usually there's a Joan of Arc theme with this Venus, and the Pluto square could set her off on a fierce campaign. Being at the 29th degree ups the intensity factor exponentially. What is Venus longing for? What does she wish to share? Pluto, for those willing to chance it, can compel activity that is both redemptive and revolutionary, within the realm of the heart.
Joan of Arc - lol. That hits close. thanks for your insight!
Have Saturn Opposing my Natal Venus in Virgo for...the next forever. First exact May 14th. Any suggestions on how not to go complete hermit or self-destruct? How to not exacerbate my natal virgoan relationship resistance and nitpicking and hesitation and joyless workhorse mentality?
Hi Aubrey
Well, I'd say put the notion of relationships back on the table, as Saturn opposing any planet by transit is sort of 'demanding' in a 'way of the world way' that relationships are conjured or happening (otherwise how will you metabolize the tranist?) That you put 'hermit' and 'self-destruct' in the same sentence is a clue about the transit's alchemy. Hermit=Venus/Virgo. Self-destruct=Saturn (self) in Pisces (destruct or you could say 'dissolved'). See what I mean?
When you read the above, what happens? What do you flash on or feel?
Yup this all makes sense. Felt an immediate foreboding/subsequent self-admonishment for this feeling upon considering the prospect of re-entering “the fray.” Realized I have spent the entire second half of years since Saturn conjoined my Venus in a state of perpetual singledom and…ugh. Must I?! 😂
I love this offering. Thank you! My Venus is 0 Aquarius, and so...PLUTO! It's at the very very end of the 8th House if you use Placidus and in the 9th House via Porphyry or Whole Sign Houses. (Saturn is in the 10th, and Uranus in the 4th...with Venus disposited by the Moon, in Taurus, in the 12th...sorry if TMI). As you may imagine, my relationship to money (notably how to make it, but also how I spend and care for it) are up for deep review and excavation. Any insights on the subject would be greatly welcome. (And if you need more context, let me know). xoxo
The great thing about writing out these queries, especially if one is versed in astrology, is that you're able to strip the first layer of the question away. Sort of like the first attempt an artist makes on the canvas -- usually that first effort's aftereffect is sacrificed when she really starts to engage with the painting.
So how wiling are you to take on the hidden dimensions of Venus (and such a potent one, sitting at zero degrees)? I mention hidden, as that's what Pluto often highlights in the arrangement/transit.
Regardless of 'her' sign, Pluto by aspect or transit tends to put in detail the madonna/whore dichotomy of Venus. So if the virginal side has been operative for long stretches in your life, the Pluto conjunct would want to bring out the more taboo side of Venus.
If Venus is an active element related to your vocation and cash flow, I wonder what it would be like to incorporate darker or more subversive elements into the mix. I'm not sure exactly what those would be or how they'd show up, put when you read that just now what came to mind, or what did you see or imagine? What did it possibly ignite in the imagination?
Pluto into Aquarius involves technology and death in a unique way, and we will be seeing more and more of this for the next 20 years. What would you bring to this theme with your skill sets?
Thank you so much Frederick! Your words and sentiments are of great value and have given me a lot to reflect upon!
Hi Frederick :)
The transit:
My natal MC is 4º Pisces and my natal Uranus is 4ºVirgo. Transiting Saturn has recently completed the first of three conjunctions with my MC and oppositions to my Uranus. Natally, I have an Aquarius Sun (2º) and also Saturn in Aquarius (12º), both in the 9th House.
The Life context:
I am a lifelong musician. My bread and butter is teaching private music lessons in my home studio, mostly kids and teenagers after school, as well as doing local gigs with various bands. I love teaching and I love gigging if the style of music is right.
This year so far, my student numbers are down significantly below where I would like them. This is the first time this has ever happened. I have never advertised, always relying on word of mouth (I live in a country town of about 25,000 people). Also this year, many more gigs than usual have been coming my way but they have mainly been with bands doing rock and pop covers and this is not my scene musically...
So, I'm feeling the pinch financially (still paying a mortgage on the house) as the student numbers decline and I turn down the gigs that I know I would not enjoy. Some people might advise me to take the gigs anyway but really I'm over doing gigs with repertoire that doesn't turn me on.
Thanks in advance for any offerings :)
Hi Greg
If you study Grant Lewi's approach to Saturn, you'll note that he reads transiting Saturn at the MH as a fruition phase-- of all of one's efforts, studies and applications through life. You could see this as Saturn having moved around the chart as a 'schooling' process within each of the proceeding 11 houses. And now you're ready to show the world the goods. You can track this for yourself, perhaps by journaling what the past 28 years have taught you and what you've mastered (Saturn). Are you missing some skill sets that you've acquired that you could start to push forward more now?
The wild card in your natal chart is the opposition from Uranus at the nadir. Cutting to the chase I will say that there are attributes, talents, insights, ways of creative expression, related to your father that you might consider bringing to the fore at this time in your life.
When Saturn transits another planet (or an angle like the nadir), it sort of taps that planet or point on the shoulder and says, "OK, you need to actualize and materialize these qualities in the world now." The nadir is about origin and legacy. Again, journal on this theme and see what comes of the inquiry.
I can't really tell you (or anyone else) what to do re choices.
When I've needed money in the past, I will lower my rates for astrology sessions and acquire more clients, as I too have a mortgage, although there are periods in my life when the last thing I want to be doing are astrology sessions. As a Cancer my moods and vibes shift like the tides, but I've learned to discipline and step up when the material world comes calling. But that's just me.
Let me know how it all plays out (no pun intended).
How about Uranus tramping on my chart ruler, Mercury 18 Taurus square Pluto 15 Leo? and all the crazy Scorpio/Taurus from the 12/6 continuum? I will tell you, it is a blast. Pluto is my fave. Moon/Pluto feeds my soul - energizing... "I love the smell of burning feathers in the morning!" Can't stop writing! And thinking. Forget about it! That too. I love this idea.... You are too smart!
Oh, ok, -- uhm -- wow.
Your query is a bit like a rogue koan that resolves itself in the final sentence: "You are too smart."
If you're saying that to me, well, ok, thanks.
But if you're saying that to yourself, what's the closing insight about exactly (as related to your query?) Now I feel like I'm addressing you in the same spirit that you wrote your comment. LOL! It's all uber-Uranian.
Fixed sign quandaries (squares) are the astro gifts that keep on giving. As annoying and immovable as they feel, they are the ballast and fuel that keep that chart grounded and spinning simultaneously (says the astrologer with Saturn in Scorpio exactly squared to Pluto in Leo -- S.O.S. [Consider the novel I'm presently writing as a way of visualizing that square.])
Say more about what you're asking me here, and then I'll see what pops out of the jack-in-the-box.
Ok, you are right. My query was not so questioning as commenting. I love talking to you! This was a good excuse to do so. In the spirit of sharing...
How do you see Transit Uranus conjoining Mercury in Taurus in the 12th? Also, it's my chart ruler, so I identify with it, Bigly. ( I call it the youth riding a cow who is walking on the bottom of the ocean) How does Uranus effect The Trickster, in your world?
I will come back to this tomorrow. I need to let it move through my 12th house Mercury!
You've probably heard that thing about Uranus being the higher octave of Mercury, and there seems to be some resonance to this notion. So with both of them doubling up their juju this ought to be wonderful time for a type of communication that's akin to channeling, automatic writing, or more conventionally sharing content through writing or film or photography (all 12th house themes) that has a radical impact (Uranus) on the culture.
It's like your Mercury is being tapped by the transit to play out the Promethean drama of bringing fire to the dimwits down below. Of course in that myth Prometheus paid a price for his shattering of the boundaries between mortal and immortal, (and that plays very much into the 12th house theme.) A sort of damned if you do, and damned if you don't express what demands to be expressed, so you might as well get on with it and not put a kink (via worry, equivocating, etc.) into the 'flow.'
I love the image of the youth riding a cow at the bottom of the ocean. That could be turned into a children's story. For real!
Thanks Freddie, I love you, dude!
Uranus or Pluto transit? Perfectionistic creativity (birth?) or Death? You said one transit, not two, so I'll let your dreamwork decide which to address here. Perhaps a session with you would help clarify. I checked my notes, our first session was 5/16/12!
Pluto triggering my fixed T- Square, conjunct natal Aquarius South Node & Saturn, square natal Mercury in Scorpio, & opposing natal Leo North Node. Eventually it'll oppose my Scorpio Sun Neptune conjunction in the 5th. Death a big theme in my life now, my ex recently diagnosed with terminal cancer, his Sun 3 Scorpio.
Uranus opposed my natal Scorpio Sun Neptune conjunction last year. It'll station retrograde exactly opposing my retrograde Venus in Scorpio & squaring my Aquarius Moon in August. Saturn also opposing my natal Uranus at 4 Virgo. I'm musically illiterate but taught myself how to DJ 7 years ago. I've done a series of mixes on Mixcloud & SoundCloud called Zodiac Signs. https://www.mixcloud.com/skyecatcher/
Despite the fact my musical tastes are eclectic, programming & mixing have been easy for me. The last few have not been. Is it the Uranus in Virgo 3rd house perfectionism? It's driven me nearly insane. I've also been experiencing, on and off, the sensation of trapped, intense energy in my upper body, especially my arms, which makes me feel nervous/anxious.
Thank you for this Frederick, any insight would be appreciated.
Sorry, got a lot going on... eventually Pluto will square my natal Sun Neptune conjunction in Scorpio 5th house...
Oh wow -- yes, I need some moments to unpack some of this (a lot of this) I'll focus on the the Pluto square when I come back up for air later today.
The most concise take on the upcoming Pluto square to the Sun/Nep conjunction relates to the dispelling of illusion (Neptune) but in a visceral, undeniable, and to-the-core (Sun) manner.
Because death is kept at a distance from consciousness due to the edicts of our survival drive (even though we tell ourselves that we are aware of our impending death, etc. and no blame, we all do it); death rarely is registered in a literal, depth-changing away until the forces represented by Pluto hit pay dirt, as in a transit to our Sun.
When Pluto opposed my Sun recently, death moved into my home (Cancer) and set up shop where I experienced it through constant observation, literally, day after day.
One of the key puzzles about Sun Neptune is the dilemma that haunts most spiritual works or methods or practices -- namely, the Plutonic aspect of horror is kept far away from the 'higher realms' through splitting or subjugation.
Viewed through another lens, horror is nothing more than the ego's reaction to reaching the boundaries of its egg-like encasement of presence.
As a Scorpio, the realm of horror is part and parcel of the sign's 'function,' so this should be easier to metabolize than, say, someone with a Leo or Taurus Sun/Neptune conflation.
Find a way to bring more of the Scorpio darkness and weirdness into your self-expression. Release apprehensions about letting your inner bitch roam freely; if you don't, Pluto will unleash her anyway, and then there might be a need for more damage control than necessary.
Email me at the end of the month to set up a check-in session.
I’ll email you at the end of the month to set up a session, thanks very much Frederick.
Loving your book, “Confessions....” And your Substack, thank you.
Struggling to get back on the horse editing my second novel. Wondering if I should abandon this dream or persist. And if persisting is the way for me, how can I rekindle my passion. I'm tited, worn down and lack luster.
Birthday: 5 March, 1970, Johannesburg South Africa. Time unknown.
Thank you Desiree. I think I should have titled my book 'Confessions of', as everyone refers to it that way 😆 it's titled 'Secrets of' ...
I'm working off singular transits in one's birth chart at this moment in time, in this thread, not taking on their entire birth chart -- which would require a full session to accommodate.
Agree 100%!
Oh no, apologies about the title. The inside, though is a wonderful read!
Not a problem Desiree, it always makes me laugh re the book.
What transit are you experiencing now that has captured your attention or wonder?
For booking sessions see my CONSULTATION page for more info. Although I’m booked out presently until early June.