Don’t forget the 16th Hecate is celebrated the queen of Witches. One must go to the crossroads and leave her chocolate cake. She is the mother of all Witches and of childbirth. No better time to honor her and call her forth 🩶🖤🩶
I appreciate your willingness to keep an open mind about what the election result will bring. And the amor mundi approach seems to me like the medicine for the moment.
yeah, I had the weirdest day ever subbing for special ed. The am was fantastic. The pm not so much. Boarded a bus for a fieldtrip, and 5 min down the road, the student next to me vomited. Me, being a Cap, was prepared with a plastic bag, gloves, and wipes. Teacher (another Cap, who was driving minibus) took the student back to school and I brought her to the nurse and wiped off her shoes. Got new bus, but as soon as we got off the bus to go eat ice cream which involved students crossing a busy parking lot, I noticed one student had not left the bus and now was locked on the bus. I felt proud of that quick insight (my Neptune opposition Moon in Taurus, ha!). Teacher thought that the student left on the bus was my fault and went into icky b mode, deciding to lecture me nonstop re it and then ride me on whatever she could construe for the next hour. Then, another student got sick-like and I had to be his bathroom partner.
By the end of the fieldtrip, looking at a sea of innocent faces drinking overly ornate and expensive $9.00 milkshakes, I had a migraine and was seriously questioning my life choices. Like, am I really this nice? Do I need to be some type of martyr? Can I stop buying crap, and stop working this second job, and simply live on my pension without cashmere or island trips? Should I be subbing regular ed which is minus field trips and all their inherent liabilities? Is the innocence of the students and trying to help worth the craziness that seems to define half of the teachers? Why do people think they can talk to me like that when I'm giving them all the energy that I have? How much natal mars retrograde do I really have, before I lose it?
I have Algol in Taurus natally within a degree of transiting Algol (and moon in Taurus) and I can only describe my inner state as controlled rage while trying to smile at the students and give them the best of me. I'm pretty sure they noticed the dichotomy.
Don’t forget the 16th Hecate is celebrated the queen of Witches. One must go to the crossroads and leave her chocolate cake. She is the mother of all Witches and of childbirth. No better time to honor her and call her forth 🩶🖤🩶
Love Nick Dagan Best. Fine, fine geeky astrologer. Looking forward to that podcast. Algol and my moon are conjunct so yay for today.
I appreciate your willingness to keep an open mind about what the election result will bring. And the amor mundi approach seems to me like the medicine for the moment.
yeah, I had the weirdest day ever subbing for special ed. The am was fantastic. The pm not so much. Boarded a bus for a fieldtrip, and 5 min down the road, the student next to me vomited. Me, being a Cap, was prepared with a plastic bag, gloves, and wipes. Teacher (another Cap, who was driving minibus) took the student back to school and I brought her to the nurse and wiped off her shoes. Got new bus, but as soon as we got off the bus to go eat ice cream which involved students crossing a busy parking lot, I noticed one student had not left the bus and now was locked on the bus. I felt proud of that quick insight (my Neptune opposition Moon in Taurus, ha!). Teacher thought that the student left on the bus was my fault and went into icky b mode, deciding to lecture me nonstop re it and then ride me on whatever she could construe for the next hour. Then, another student got sick-like and I had to be his bathroom partner.
By the end of the fieldtrip, looking at a sea of innocent faces drinking overly ornate and expensive $9.00 milkshakes, I had a migraine and was seriously questioning my life choices. Like, am I really this nice? Do I need to be some type of martyr? Can I stop buying crap, and stop working this second job, and simply live on my pension without cashmere or island trips? Should I be subbing regular ed which is minus field trips and all their inherent liabilities? Is the innocence of the students and trying to help worth the craziness that seems to define half of the teachers? Why do people think they can talk to me like that when I'm giving them all the energy that I have? How much natal mars retrograde do I really have, before I lose it?
I have Algol in Taurus natally within a degree of transiting Algol (and moon in Taurus) and I can only describe my inner state as controlled rage while trying to smile at the students and give them the best of me. I'm pretty sure they noticed the dichotomy.