Apr 18Liked by Frederick Woodruff

I'm so excited to listen to your conversation with Laurence! ❤️

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Apr 18Liked by Frederick Woodruff

First, your paintings are lovely. I'm not much for abstract art, but those are charming.

Also, thank you for the laughs this morning, if only for the term: dick-driven.

Not sure what your grind is about Peterson, but I also have been turned off lately by his new Old Testament style of addressing his followers. He's an odd creature for sure.

Also, my iPhone is older than yours. I do miss the new emojis though.

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I saw something the other day and I was like YES, THIS:

"You know what the biggest problem with pushing all-things-Al is? Wrong direction. I want Al to do my laundry and dishes so that I can do art and writing, not for Al to do my art and writing so that I can do my laundry and dishes" via Working Mom Notes on IG. But hey, that's a women's POV, exactly your point!

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Apr 18Liked by Frederick Woodruff

Could not agree more re AI. Of course, driving all of it, despite the promises of the elite of humanitarian evolution, is that old, nasty, dark, reality: money. And just as assured, it will be put to the purposes of war and the testosterone driven aspirations of sociopath "leaders," irony intended. BTW, I continue to lurch along with my iPhone 6...

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Apr 18Liked by Frederick Woodruff

Ex-Seattlite here typing from an iPhone 8+. Praising the AI gods/Ahriman is going to have to wait. Native intelligence is the old/new black.

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Someone named ‘niki rich’ just emailed me this comment. Must be a Sam Altman bro. He seems to have forgotten that he emerged from a woman’s vagina.

“hey dickhead, look around dicks invented everything... fly on a plane ? land it on a runway in the fog? drive a car? had a catscan? had a Xray?”

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Apr 18Liked by Frederick Woodruff

Loved the interview and the conversation was quite inspirational. This song kept running thru my head afterwards: "From Hydrogen to Love" by Phideaux from the album " Infernal":


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Apr 19Liked by Frederick Woodruff

Wow, not sure how I would take that!

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Apr 19·edited Apr 19Liked by Frederick Woodruff

One HUNDRED percent this.

I didn't realize you were actually a painter, beloved -- though at first I thought you meant that you used a robot, and I thought "fuck; that doesn't look like a robot," which concerned me. (Love these!)

We are drowning in wretched air-brushed looking anime horseshit graphics and broshit hype - with opposing bros warning about the threat of the hype-bros.

A lifetime ago I was sitting with my wasband in a cafe on Union Square in NYC called "The Coffee Shop," a designer retro diner filled with models and wannabes and their whatevers. It felt like high stakes professional high school - cool to the point of freezing; the beauty of the Spring morning was utterly eclipsed by the glare of egos and desperation, a silent black howl where Heart Presence should be.

I tried to pinpoint WTF was going on and why it was so dark, and my ex-one said "The Goddess is Absent." (The healthiest thing he may have ever expressed.)

Precisely the prob with the robobros, to the point where I have begun automatically deleting and cursing when AI hype invades my IN box.

Love you even more, Frederick.

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